
UPDATED: Get A Free Starbucks Iced Coffee. Not Really!

UPDATED: Get A Free Starbucks Iced Coffee. Not Really!

Starbucks’ Subversive Employees Please Customers

We find this tale of Starbucks satisfaction, courtesy of Evan D, just so very cute. Notice anything interesting about it?

Starbucks/McDonald’s Global Dominion Graph

Starbucks/McDonald’s Global Dominion Graph

Click to enlarge.

The Ad Starbucks Doesn’t Want You To See… Because It Sucks.

I generally wouldn’t post something so smugly self-serving as this mock Starbucks ad, but I want to point out that there’s a lot of money we spend that could be used to send to starving children. But that presumes that charity and welfare can solve extremely difficult political and social problems.

Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

• I was cited for CVC 21651(A)(1) in Aliso Viejo, CA. Please help me determine if I can beat this ticket. [Link]

WiFi or Die, Perhaps the Latter, Barnes & Noble & Starbucks

WiFi or Die, Perhaps the Latter, Barnes & Noble & Starbucks

We’re crouching on the floor of a Barnes & Noble in Park Slope, an enfranchised enclave of Brooklyn. The walls of our apartment began to throb and press against our skull, so we escaped, in search of caffeine, wi-fi and a/c. In a perch between the archival scrapbooking section and the leather journals, the sun beats a low hum across our arm and slow cooks our laptop. We glance enviously at the Starbucks tables.

Electric Coffee Abacus Calculates The Price of An Orgy

Electric Coffee Abacus Calculates The Price of An Orgy

We Built This Starbucks On Suck And Hyperbole

Words fail to describe this Starbucked version of Jefferson Starship’s “We Built This City,” written for a Starbucks leadership conference last year. Luckily, projectile vomiting or rushing into your local Starbucks and kicking every one wearing a green apron in the crotch doesn’t. Thanks, we guess, to Adfreak for finding this.

Starbucks’ CAFE Practices Vs. Fair Trade

Starbucks’ CAFE Practices Vs. Fair Trade

You may have heard of Starbucks’ CAFE Practices, a program Starbucks is claiming is superior to fair trade. CAFE Practices is described on Starbucks’ website as “guidelines designed to help us work with coffee farmers to ensure high-quality coffee and promote equitable relationships with farmers, workers and communities, as well as protect the environment.”

You Can’t Take A Picture Of This Starbucks!

You Can’t Take A Picture Of This Starbucks!

Kate is a sweet Canadian photo bug who just happened to be taking some pictures of a Toronto Starbucks when a goonish barrista burst out of the store’s chocolate-hued facade and started claiming she couldn’t take photographs of the building. Luckily, a group of tourists happened to be passing, overheard the exchange and staged an impromptu mass rebellion, snapping hundreds of photographs of the Starbucks in question before the Starbucks manager could even speed dial Russel Crowe to sort the whole thing out.

Starbucks Soon To Equal Coffee?

Starbucks Soon To Equal Coffee?

Over at Branding Post, we saw this quote about a grim dystopian future in which the word coffee no longer exists: when you pendulously breasted IHOP waitress emerges in a puff of brown cigarette smoke from the kitchens to demand your order, you won’t ask for a cup of coffee. You’ll ask for a Starbucks.

DoubleShot to Starbucks: “Sit and Spin.”

DoubleShot to Starbucks: “Sit and Spin.”

Good news! Our favorite grumbly cup-of-joe-slinging coffee shop owner has delicately lifted his forearm, extended his middle finger in the direction of the Starbucks’ corporation’s threatening sphincter and politely suggested sitting and spinning on the proffered digit.

Starbucks “Addresses” DoubleShot “Concerns”

More DoubleShot. Steven Roemerman was so upset by Starbucks suing his favorite local coffee shop that he decided to write them and complain. This is the form letter they sent him back:

DoubleShot Coffee Considers Starbucks Capitulation

DoubleShot Coffee Considers Starbucks Capitulation

You might remember DoubleShot Coffee owner Brian Franklin, who is being sued by Starbucks for trademark violation. They claim they “own” the name of the common industry term “doubleshot.” They also claim they own the trademarks on “coffee, the complete works of Herman Melville, your immortal soul and your wife’s loins.”

Dunkin’ Starbucks

Dunkin’ Starbucks

Dunkin’ Donuts is apparently looking to Starbuck itself. Which would make a hell of a lot more sense if Dunkin’ Donuts’ customers didn’t hate Starbucks.

DoubleShot Coffee To Customers: Mistook Us For Starbucks? You’re An Idiot.

More words of wisdom from our favorite anti-Starbucks crusader, Brian Franklin, proprietor of DoubleShot Coffee:

DoubleShot Coffee Fights Back Against Starbucks

Yesterday, we reported on DoubleShot Coffee, a small Tulsa coffee shop that had been sued by Starbucks for infringing on their Doubleshot trademark. Well, the outspoken owner of DoubleShot Coffee, Brian Franklin, is fighting back via his company blog:

Starbucks Sues DoubleShot Espresso

Starbucks Sues DoubleShot Espresso