
Starbucks to Downsize Drink Menu In Attempt To Speed Up Ordering Process

Starbucks to Downsize Drink Menu In Attempt To Speed Up Ordering Process

“Starbucks also said it plans to cut the number of different drinks on its menu, a move it hopes will help baristas get customers through the line more quickly.”

Don’t get your Juicy Raspberry in a twist over it, Seattlest reminds us of the Starbucks “secret menu” (you can order whatever you want and they have to make it for you) and the infinite possibilities it contains.

Starbucks Prefers Not To Make You Ill

Starbucks Prefers Not To Make You Ill

Reader Patrick sent us this photo of a Starbucks that was unwilling to poison its customers. He says, ” Hurray for having a conscience!”

Starbucks Sued Over Spilled Tea

Starbucks Sued Over Spilled Tea

A New Jersey man is suing Starbucks after sustaining 3rd degree burns from hot tea that he claims was improperly “lidded.” The man’s lawyer says, “when he went to pick up the cup, the top wasn’t on correctly. The top came off.

Fruit Fly Infestation Shuts Down Macy's Food Court

Fruit Fly Infestation Shuts Down Macy's Food Court

Health inspectors found over 200 fruit flies infesting the lower level food court of the Macy’s State Street store in Chicago. Inspectors first discovered the infestation last week after a disgusted customer complained to 311. Food court employees apparently were not bothered by either the fruit flies or the health inspectors. From the Chicago Tribune:

“Not only did they not do anything, the problems seemed to get worse,” [Tim Hadac, spokesman for the Chicago Department of Public Health] said. “It was a surprising and disappointing lack of adherence to basic food safety regulation… We stopped counting fruit flies when they hit 200.”

The inspectors also found:

Starbucks Raises Prices

Starbucks Raises Prices

Starbucks has announced that they’re raising prices on most of their “freshly made” drinks, including coffee, Frappuccinos, some “tea-based” drinks, and yes the much-loved latte.

Starbucks Kicked Out Of China's Forbidden City

Starbucks Kicked Out Of China's Forbidden City

Starbucks has been kicked out of China’s Forbidden City, according to the Seattle P-I, following months of controversy over remarks made by a Chinese State TV news anchor. According to the anchor having a Starbucks in the Forbidden City, “undermined the Forbidden City’s solemnity and trampled over Chinese culture.”

4 Days Until "Juicy Raspberry!"

4 Days Until "Juicy Raspberry!"

Emily from Houston brings us breaking news of the Starbucks raspberry syrup situation:

I went to Starbucks today and read their countdown message board – 4 days to raspberry mochas and frappa-wappa-who-whatsits.

Confessions Of A Starbucks Barista

Confessions Of A Starbucks Barista

Jesse, who has worked at Starbucks for almost a year, has written a mythbusting “Buyer’s Guide” that will help you in your quest to save money when ordering your favorite Starbucks beverage. Our favorite tips? Frappucinos are a rip off, there’s no free ride at the drive-thru, and ordering a latte with chai syrup is cheaper than a chai with espresso.

Starbucks "Juicy Raspberry" Controversy Continues

Starbucks "Juicy Raspberry" Controversy Continues

Boy, Andy really unleashed the inner demons of the Starbucks faithful with his “Juicy Raspberry” letter. There is the most hilarious thread going on at the Starbucks Gossip blog about whether is its, in fact, ok to serve “Juicy Raspberry” to customers before June 26th, and whether Andy is, in fact, too long-winded. It seems that Starbucks people are pretty long-winded themselves.

Epic Battle For Raspberry Syrup Ends With Starbucks Apology And Gift Card

Epic Battle For Raspberry Syrup Ends With Starbucks Apology And Gift Card

Andy and his partner would just like some raspberry syrup in their Iced Venti Raspberry Soy Mocha, but in the midst of a change from old raspberry syrup to something called “juicy” raspberry… chaos at Starbucks. The use of juicy raspberry before the “juicy raspberry” promotion was simply not allowed. Attitudes were copped. Customers were offended. Business was lost. Apologies were issued. Gift cards were mailed.

Starbucks: How Much Your Drink Costs Depends On How You Order It

Starbucks: How Much Your Drink Costs Depends On How You Order It

An Americano is espresso and water.

Don't Question The Existence Of God On Your Starbucks Cup Or Else

Don't Question The Existence Of God On Your Starbucks Cup Or Else

Starbucks is running a promotion whereby customers can submit their thoughts for inclusion on Starbucks cups, as part of an effort by Starbucks to “to promote open, respectful conversation among a wide variety of individuals,” according to their spokesperson.

Starbucks Moving Into The French Quarter?

Starbucks Moving Into The French Quarter?

After Hurricane Katrina, La Madeleine, a cafe and bakery that had occupied space in the French Quarter for 23 years, moved out, claiming that it didn’t get enough of a break on its rent following the storm. Now the site sits vacant, waiting for its next tenant. Will it be Starbucks?

Dunkin' Donuts Has A Severe Case Of Starbucks Envy

Dunkin' Donuts Has A Severe Case Of Starbucks Envy

First McDonald’s started testing the McCafe, essentially a Starbucks within McDonalds, now plain old Dunkin’ Donuts has caught Starbucks envy.

Starbucks Thinks You're Homeless, Tosses You And Your Coffee Out On The Street

Starbucks Thinks You're Homeless, Tosses You And Your Coffee Out On The Street

The 70-year-old Lisle woman was kicked out of the Starbucks in downtown Glen Ellyn a few weeks ago. She claims it was because employees mistook her as a homeless person, part of a purge the store waged to mollify customers who complained that the coffee shop was overrun with the homeless.

Pepsi Labels Will Include Caffeine Content

Pepsi Labels Will Include Caffeine Content

“Every company that adds caffeine to food should tell consumers how much they’re getting, so consumers can comparison shop and make their decisions accordingly,” said CSPI executive director Michael F. Jacobson. “Pepsi deserves credit for voluntarily putting caffeine contents on labels. I don’t know why Coke and coffee companies are so jittery about letting their customers know how much they’re getting.”

Regular Pepsi contains 25 milligrams of caffeine per 8 oz, Diet Pepsi 24. “Pepsi One and Mountain Dew have more with 36 mg per 8 ounces. Brewed coffee varies, but a 16-ounce cup at Starbucks has around 260 mg, though the company doesn’t make that number easy to find.” Mmm, caffeine. Starbucks is sort of confusing. We’re not sure why they’d neglect to mention/hide how much caffeine is in coffee… isn’t it a selling point?—MEGHANN MARCO

Almost As Many PayDay Loan Centers As There Are McDonalds

There’s almost as many PayDay Loan Centers in America as there are McDonald’s.

Starbucks Removes Trans Fats, What?

Last year, the company introduced trans fat-free cranberry bliss bars nationwide “but we didn’t let people know that.”