
Want A Thriving Coffee Shop? Open Next To A Starbucks

Want A Thriving Coffee Shop? Open Next To A Starbucks

The funny thing about Starbucks is it’s helped to create a coffee culture filled with a significant number of people who don’t actually like Starbucks—which means that, despite conventional wisdom, it’s actually a good thing to be a mom & pop coffee shop with a Starbucks nearby, writes Slate.

Starbucks Settles Lawsuit After Employee Spills Hot Coffee On A Baby

Starbucks Settles Lawsuit After Employee Spills Hot Coffee On A Baby

Ethan Thorn was an infant when his parents brought him into a Starbucks in Somerville’s Davis Square in April, 2006. According to the lawsuit, a store employee serving a cup of coffee to Ethan’s father accidentally spilled coffee on the baby’s legs and groin, causing second-degree burns. The baby was in his father’s arms at the time.

What Is The Most Expensive Drink At Starbucks?

What Is The Most Expensive Drink At Starbucks?

Billy wanted to maximize the value of his coupon for one free drink at Starbucks. But which tongue-twisting truffle-invoking concoction to request? Billy decided on a Venti Soy Hazelnut Vanilla Cinnamon White Mocha with extra White Mocha and caramel—plus 13 espresso shots. How did the $13.76 potion taste?

Starbucks "Cheer Chain" Coupon Revealed, Nation Mourns

Starbucks "Cheer Chain" Coupon Revealed, Nation Mourns

Yes, actually it is a PR stunt. They’ve even provided coupons to kick it off. This one (scan attached) came from Esquire magazine, I believe.

Nooooooooooo, you mean they’re not even passing back a drink someone that someone actually paid for? They’re passing a BOGO coupon?

Gee Whiz! The Starbucks "Cheer Chain Phenomenon" Might Be A Lame PR Stunt

Gee Whiz! The Starbucks "Cheer Chain Phenomenon" Might Be A Lame PR Stunt

Some cynical people, (not us, mind you) are starting to suspect that the news stories popping up all over the U.S. about Starbucks “cheer chains” might be planted by Starbuck’s PR team.

Police Pulling Over Good Drivers And Giving Them $5 Starbucks Gift Cards

Police Pulling Over Good Drivers And Giving Them $5 Starbucks Gift Cards

Out of a misguided sense of goodwill, Rancho Cordova police officers will be pulling over citizens who aren’t doing anything wrong and reward their good driving with $5 Starbucks. While nice in theory, it would be a pain in the butt if you were running late for work. I wonder if, just like when you get pulled over for speeding, they’re going to make you wait in your car for 10 minutes first. I also wonder why they couldn’t just take people’s license numbers down and mail them the gift cards. I also also wonder if it’s legal for a police officer to detain someone who isn’t breaking the law. N doubt such irritating questions will disappear the moment the free Mocha Frappacino hits your brain nerves.

Recall: Handles Detach From Starbucks Cups, Spilling Scalding Liquid

Recall: Handles Detach From Starbucks Cups, Spilling Scalding Liquid

9 people have already been burned. Don’t be that guy! All 167,000 cups were sold at Starbucks for February 2007 through November 2007 for about $11. Return the cups to Starbucks for a full refund and a free beverage. Your un-scalded crotch will thank you.

Coming Soon: Starbucks TV Commercials To Address Falling Traffic

Coming Soon: Starbucks TV Commercials To Address Falling Traffic

For the first time ever—and spurred largely by two price increases in a year—customer traffic at Starbucks dropped last quarter. The coffee chain still reported earnings based largely on higher prices and new stores, but it’s worried enough about the falling traffic to launch a national television ad campaign this season, something it’s never done before.

Starbucks To Sue Small Michigan Coffee Shop For Trademark Infringement

Starbucks To Sue Small Michigan Coffee Shop For Trademark Infringement

Better not use a green circle for your coffee shop logo because Starbucks has lawyers and they’ll sue ya. Conga Coffee & Tea, a small two-store operation in Michigan, is being threatened with a lawsuit because their logo bears “striking resemblance” to Starbucks’ famous mermaid logo. At least that’s what Starbucks says.

Starbucks Rolls Out Christmas Cups, Christmas Blends, And Christmas Music – Seven Weeks Before Christmas

Corporate America has a new ally in the war to spread unseasonable holiday cheer. Thanksgiving may be two weeks away, but according to one sharp-eyed reader, that isn’t stopping the coffee behemoth Starbucks from bludgeoning consumers with Christmas.

Site Of Most Infamous Mob Murder In NY History Is Now A Starbucks

Site Of Most Infamous Mob Murder In NY History Is Now A Starbucks

The site of the most infamous mob murder in New York City history is now a Starbucks, but does anyone care? Nah. We certainly don’t care… but it’s a chance to learn about a mob murder:

These Frappuccino Prices Are Confusing

These Frappuccino Prices Are Confusing

Someone explain how this works. Jason tells us that Starbucks Frappuccinos 4-packs normally retails at the Target in Amherst, NY, for $5.24, but there’s a new price tag on them for $5.49, boasting they’re, “Even Lower than our advertised price.” So, in the circulars they’re advertising them for, say, $5.99? Why not a sign that says, “BIG SAVINGS” and then in small letters, “as compared to a piece of gold bullion.”

Starbucks Busted For Union Busting

Starbucks Busted For Union Busting

Another week, another round of Bad Employer news about Wal—oh wait, we mean Starbucks this time, which actually has a lower rate of insured employees than the discount chain (42% versus 47%). Last Thursday, the National Labor Relations Board accused Starbucks of “unlawful anti-union activity” at a store in Michigan, similar to the charges it’s currently on trial for in New York.

Attention: Starbucks Is Officially A Family Destination

Attention: Starbucks Is Officially A Family Destination

Starbucks spokesman Brandon Borrman said there are still no plans to market specifically to children, and grown-ups need not worry that the Cartoon Network will be playing on the flat-panel screen of their neighborhood Starbucks anytime soon.

California Assembly Passes Menu Labeling Legislation

California Assembly Passes Menu Labeling Legislation

The California Assembly has passed legislation that will require chain outlets with 15 or more locations to place calorie info on fast food menu boards and nutrition information on restaurant menus. The rule applies only to standard menu items and not to daily specials or custom orders.

Starbucks To Stop Using Monsanto Milk

Starbucks To Stop Using Monsanto Milk

By the end of this year, Starbucks will no longer serve dairy products that contain Posilac, aka rBGH or rbST, the growth hormone manufactured by Monsanto, says a Reuters article. The company was already well on its way to cutting rBGH out of its menu—as of last month, 72% of their dairy comes from rBGH-free suppliers. According to a letter sent by Starbucks to Food & Water Watch (which has heavily campaigned against the synthetic hormone), “By December 31, 2007, all of our fluid milk, half and half, whipping cream and eggnog used in U.S. company-operated stores will be produced without the use of rBGH.”

When Starbucks Dumps Scalding Hot Coffee On You, It's A PR Problem

When Starbucks Dumps Scalding Hot Coffee On You, It's A PR Problem

When a Starbucks barista accidentally dumped scalding hot coffee all over Matt’s father, he got to see Starbuck’s crack PR response in action.

Order A Starbucks Tazo Chai Latte For Half Price

Order A Starbucks Tazo Chai Latte For Half Price

Why pay full price for a Starbucks concoction when a little ordering jujitsu can produce the same drink for less? Reader Kelly devised a way to order her Starbucks Tazo Chai latte for half the price:

I spend far too much money there, and lately have been experimenting with combinations to get my delicious drinks for cheaper, but tasting the same using the Secret Menu codewords and with the help of the confessions of a Starbucks barista. The newest version? A knock off Tazo Chai latte for half price.