
Defeat Sprint’s Rate Hike Cancellation Lies

Defeat Sprint’s Rate Hike Cancellation Lies

Sprint’s retention department is trying its darnedest to prevent customers from jumping out a window of opportunity that would let them cancel service without penalty.

Oct31 Deadline For Free Sprint Contract Killing

Image redacted.

Samsung A920’s Continuing Trials: Video & Pix

Samsung A920’s Continuing Trials: Video & Pix

So you may have noticed posts stopped around 12:30 today. That’s because after taking our blog union mandated lunch break, we noticed a gorgeous day out the window. So we took our bike and did a buncha laps around Prospect Park. When we exited Grand Army Plaza, we found about 50 cop cars lined up, ready to perform some kind of neat coordinated operation.

Clever Gambit For Debating CSRs

Clever Gambit For Debating CSRs

You wouldn’t think that making a cellphone call in your own bedroom would get charged as ‘roaming,’ but that’s exactly what happened to Andrew W. One side of his room is bathed in Sprint coverage. If he shifts to the other side of the bed, all of a sudden he’s roaming, and getting charged for it.

UPDATE: Surfing On Our Free Sprint Cellphone

UPDATE: Surfing On Our Free Sprint Cellphone

We just called Sprint to check on our coverage for this weekend’s trip into the Poconos and experienced something bizarre.

Sprint Charges Customer For Calling His Own Voicemail

Sprint Charges Customer For Calling His Own Voicemail

Everyone in America can call Chris’s Sprint voicemail for free, except for Chris. He gets charged for it, and in fact, doing so made him go over his airtime minutes.

Surfing On Our Free Sprint Cellphone

Surfing On Our Free Sprint Cellphone


• This guy was way ahead on the milk is especially fantastic bandwagon. [Bunnyspatial]

Who Called My Cellphone?

Who Called My Cellphone?

Call it the “silent prank caller.”

UPDATE: Sprint Loves To Give Out Your Billing Address

UPDATE: Sprint Loves To Give Out Your Billing Address

After getting blogo-lambasted for a gaping security hole that allowed anyone to call up and snag your name and home address by punching in your Sprint cellphone number into an automated system, Sprint has closed that selfsame privacy aperture.

Sprint Loves To Give Out Your Billing Address

Sprint Loves To Give Out Your Billing Address

Sprint is taking the lead for crappy customer verification after Boing Boing spilled that their new international call identity verification service will spill the name and address of the owner of a particular phone number just by typing that number into a robot-manned 1-800 number.

Frivolous and Lawsuits Have New Bed Partner: Useless

Frivolous and Lawsuits Have New Bed Partner: Useless

Yay! Free money. Clampants got a card in the mail yesterday from the “Benny/Lundberg Settlement” against Sprint, reading:

Pith & Vinegar

• My wireless network could kick your wireless network’s ass.

Telcos: We’re Down With P

Telcos: We’re Down With P

And that stands for privacy.

Telecoms Cram Customers

Telecoms Cram Customers

Consumer Affairs has an article up called “Florida Opens Cramming Probe.” They’ve got that the order jumbled up. Let me give you the advice my father gave me: “Son, first you probe, then you cram.”

Sprint Won’t Let Soldier Cancel Cellphone

Sprint Won’t Let Soldier Cancel Cellphone

We must be a tabloid, we’re getting our stories from Sploid:

Sprint Launches Cellphone Tracking Service

Sprint Launches Cellphone Tracking Service

Stalkers and overzealous parents, rejoice! Sprint has a new service “Family Locator Service” that allows you to track on an online map where a registered cellphone travels.

How Long to Get a Human?

How Long to Get a Human?

Here’s how long it’s taking to reach a human at various mobile phone carrier customer service lines today.