Here’s the latest in the “my phone is better than your phone” war. A new test of upload and download speeds on 3G networks in 13 cities has AT&T coming out on top by a large margin over Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile. Someone cue the next round of Luke Wilson commercials… [More]
Sprint is picking up their bags and moving back home to Kansas. [AP]
Your Green Thumb Needn't Put You In The Red
What tips do you have to grow a garden that doesn’t hurt the wallet? Tell us in the comments. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER
BBQ Grilling Safety Tips
Be sure there are plenty of clean utensils and platters. To prevent foodborne illness, don’t use the same platter and utensils for raw and cooked meat and poultry. Harmful bacteria present in raw meat and poultry and their juices can contaminate safely cooked food.
Free Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee Today
Yes. Today is the day! If you do decide to join the madness and get a free iced coffee, please take pictures of any incidents of depravity, murder, or coffee induced panic and send them to tips [at] consumerist [dot] com. Alternatively you can upload them to Flickr and submit them to our Flickr pool. Be sure to tag them with some variation of “dunkin donuts.”
Spring Cleaning Time!
DECLUTTER!!! As my Auntie always used to say, “Look one way and pitch the other”. Look, I know it’s hard to get rid of your beloved stuff, but trust me, it’s better this way. If it’s really nice stuff that someone might use, give it away on Freecycle. Do NOT save stuff for a yard sale, unless you’re having that yard sale immediately.
True words, people. True words. —MEGHANN MARCO
Consumerist Lesson of the Day: Good Service Should Not Be Treated Cynically.
And, once again, we are proven so sweetly redundant: