soda pop

Gallery Of Generic Dr. Peppers

Gallery Of Generic Dr. Peppers

Naming a generic version of Dr. Pepper requires a special dose of imagination of the supermarket brand specialist not required by other fizzy drinks. You can’t just get away with “Cola” or “Orange.” There are innumerable variations and several websites have cropped up to document and catalog them. Check out and Dr Kenton’s Generic Dr Peppers Page to get a pretty comprehensive overview. I think my favorite version is “Dr. Radical.” [More]

Banning Soda Machines In Schools Only Decreases Consumption 4%

Banning Soda Machines In Schools Only Decreases Consumption 4%

A new study says banning soda machines in schools only decreased kiddie soda pop consumption by 4%. Guess the soda kids were drinking in school wasn’t necessarily being bought at school.