A common strategy when comparison shopping is to use the unit prices that are often available on the shelf to help consumers. This is a pretty solid strategy…except, apparently, at reader MZ’s local Target, where the retailer doesn’t feel the need to make sure that their unit pricing reflects reality at all. [More]
shelf tags

Save 801¢ With Seasoning Packet Sale At Winn-Dixie
Alyson snapped this picture quickly at Winn-Dixie to evade detection, which is why it’s blurry. I’m not sure that things would be better if it were in focus. It wouldn’t make any more sense than it does now. [More]

Target Clarifies Confusing Sign: Cleaning Products Are 50% Off, Not Free
We are thankful to Target, because they have alleviated our existential angst. Okay, it’s their weird signage that caused the existential angst in the first place, but we’re still very happy that they cleared things up for us, for our readers, and for Target shoppers everywhere. [More]

At This Target, 50% Off And Free Are Pretty Much The Same Thing
Getting a cleaning product for free when you buy a broom or mop is a pretty good deal, and so is getting one for half off. The problem at this Target is that they can’t decide what deal they want to give you. [More]

Even Target Employees Laugh At Their Nonsensical Shelf Tags
A Target employee in an undisclosed location who we’ll call “Amy” sent along a photo from the frozen foods section. One of Amy’s colleagues carefully went through and placed “0% off” shelf tags on every variety of Amy’s frozen vegetarian burrito. “They are actually on sale if scanned,” notes Amy, “but you save 5% more than the sign states.” [More]

Why Does This Candy Bar Have Three Different Prices?
It’s time for yet another exciting installment of “No, seriously, how much does this item cost?”
In the case of these candy bars that Victor found at a Walgreens store, the shelf tags would actually make sense if it weren’t for that “2 for $1” label on the product’s package. [More]

Target's Reality Vortex Expands To Walgreens
Stephanie sent us this photo from her local Walgreens. Have they been taking lessons in pricing from Target? Sure, MSRP is is merely a suggestion, but this is a rather obvious case.

Be Sure To Miss This Great Deal At Target
We’d like to alert you to an exciting sale on iTunes gift cards at Target this week. All cards are $30, regardless of whether their face value is $15 or $25. (Thanks, Nick!)

Best Buy Employees See Nothing Wrong With Price Tag Off By $9,880
We’re a little concerned about Best Buy‘s employees. Particularly, the employee at reader Eric’s local store who posted this shelf tag, thinking that nothing was wrong.

Punishing Customers For Buying More: Now Worldwide
Theoretically, if you buy more of something, you should pay less per item, or per unit. That’s the entire point of buying things in bulk. Right? Not necessarily. To confuse the logical part of your brain this fine morning, here’s a collection of instances where customers pay more when they buy more.

CVS Beverage Prices: Only Off By $997 Or So
A few weeks apart, in different stores, readers Spencer and Sean spotted the same error on CVS shelf tags. Printing error? Zoned-out employees? Maybe our assumptions are all wrong, and it’s an innovative new pricing strategy.

Jewel-Osco Grocery Stores Implement Price Cuts …I Think
Jewel-Osco, a Chicago-area grocery chain, implemented some much-publicized price cuts a few weeks ago. Let’s see how they’re doing with that.

Target Shelf Tag: This Is Not A Sign
Fear not, art history majors. René Magritte is alive and well and working at Target in Chicago. Reader Cecil spotted this shelf tag last week underneath some soda bottles. Clearly someone either wasn’t reading the signs, or needs to drink more soda. (click to view full-size image)