If you thought the pending billion-dollar merger between Staples and Office Depot was the only office supply wedding in the works, then you might not have been prepared for the $600 million union between the maker of Sharpie pens and the owner of Elmer’s Glue. [More]

Amazon Makes Sure Sharpie Shipment Arrives Very, Very, Very Safely
UPS delivered a large, light, somewhat damaged box to Erick’s workplace. What was inside? Gosh, what if it was damaged when the box was dented? Better open it to make sure. [More]
Morning Deals
- Amazon: Lego sale. 50% off 8 Different Items
- Walgreens: 6 Sharpies for $2 (in-store only)
- eforcity: iPod/iPhone charging cable for $7.99 (down from $43.99)
- DealExtreme: iPod/iPhone charging cable for $3.46
- Woot: It’s a woot-off!
Highlights From Dealhack
- Best Buy: Dynex DX-LCD32 32-inch LCD HDTV $490
- Tiger Direct: Unlocked Motorola RAZR V3 GSM Cell Phone $100
- Buy.com: Kodak Z1285 12 Megapixel Digital Camera $90 Shipped