Some visitors to SeaWorld in Orlando experienced an amusement park nightmare yesterday as the ride they were on became stuck a few hundred feet in the air. The Sky Tower was on its way back to the ground, carrying about 50 passengers, when the emergency brake malfunctioned and the pod would no longer descend. [More]
sea world

OSHA Goes After Sea World For Killer Whale Incident
Sea World Orlando faces hearings this week that are connected to the infamous 2010 tragedy in which a killer whale caused the death of a trainer. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration contends Sea World Orlando willfully put its employees in danger by failing to take enough safety precautions, including using proper barriers, decking or oxygen supply systems. [More]

Sea World Honors Military By Not Seating Them
Reader Lynn and her family visited Sea World, which trumpets its support and free admission for military visitors, but discovered that support meant “not letting your active duty son sit with his family.”