
A Canadian Guy With A Closet Full of Unsold PS3s: A Cautionary Tale

A Canadian Guy With A Closet Full of Unsold PS3s: A Cautionary Tale

Derek O’Brien wanted to buy his girlfriend an engagement ring. What better way to do it, he thought, than by buying PS3s and selling them for a profit on Ebay. Whoops.

Exxon Mobil Posts Largest Annual Profit In US History

Exxon Mobil’s record annual earnings followed a year of extraordinarily high energy prices as crude oil topped $78 a barrel in the summer – driving up average gasoline prices in the United States to more than $3 a gallon. Prices retreated later in the year.

Way to go, Exxon. —MEGHANN MARCO

Using Non-Licensed Third Party Products DOES Void PS3 Warranty

Using Non-Licensed Third Party Products DOES Void PS3 Warranty

So, if your PS3 breaks and they ask you if you used any third party, non-licensed products with your PS3 say “No!” Otherwise you, my friend, have just voided your warranty. —MEGHANN MARCO

Soldier Returns From Iraq; Storage Company Sold All His Stuff

    After serving a year in Iraq , Army Reserve Spc. Patrick Rogalin came home and found that everything he had put in a storage locker – essentially everything he owned – had been sold.


Milk Cancels Health Benefits of Tea

Milk Cancels Health Benefits of Tea

    Research has shown that tea improves blood flow and the ability of the arteries to relax but researchers at the Charite Hospital at the University of Berlin in Mitte found milk eliminates the protective effect against cardiovascular disease.

Vista Has Security Flaws Already, LOL

Vista Has Security Flaws Already, LOL

The New York Times is reporting that Microsoft Vista has security flaws. Yes, already. In addition to a flaw that lets users increase their own privileges and override all the new fancy Vista security, there’s a “troubling” flaw in IE7. “The browser flaw is particularly troubling because it potentially means that Web users could become infected with malicious software simply by visiting a booby-trapped site.”

Airlines Hike Fares

After Delta and American announced plans to raise fares by up to $40, other airlines are following suit. United announced they’d be adding $10 to most round-tip flights. Northwest and U.S. Airways have matched the increase. —MEGHANN MARCO

Returns Gone Wild: Up To 30% of Merchandise Comes Back

Returns Gone Wild: Up To 30% of Merchandise Comes Back

The most common form of retail fraud is the return of stolen merchandise, and now, in the return season, is the time stores need to watch for it. And who pays the price? You. With stricter return policies. “According to most industry estimates, shoppers in the United States will return about $100 billion of merchandise this year, and about 9 percent of the returns will be fraudulent.”

What To Do With A Broken iPod

They even have next day repair and data recovery. Because a broken iPod deserves a second chance. Sniff. Does anyone have any non-repair ideas for broken iPod fun? Hockey puck?—MEGHANN MARCO

Meghann Will Ship Her Broken DVD Player Back

Meghann Will Ship Her Broken DVD Player Back

The people have spoken. Meghann will ship her broken DVD player, not make a video of her smashing it. Spoilsports.

What Should Meghann Do With Her Brokeass Woot DVD Player?

After Meghann pitched her woe about getting a Woot!ed DVD player that wouldn’t turn on, we tried to convince her to do ship it back to Toshiba.

Walmart Layaway Ends Friday

If you’ve got something on layaway at Walmart, this Friday is your last day to pick it up. Of the major retailers, Kmart still supports layaway.

Woot: Thanks for the Broken DVD Player

Woot: Thanks for the Broken DVD Player

We’ve been a member of Woot since Feb ’05, but until the other day, we never saw anything we needed. Then our DVD player broke, and Woot had one, and it was like 40 bucks, and so we finally tried Woot!

Eat A BK Octawhopper

The Burger King eat like a snake guy has nothing on this kid who eats eight slabs of meatburger.