
Foil RFID Thieves. Literally.

The tin-foil hat contingent may have finally hit on something right.

No-Swipe Credit Card No Problem For Thieves

No-Swipe Credit Card No Problem For Thieves

Radio-frequency enabled credit cards allow consumers to complete transactions with a flick of the wrist, but new research shows that it’s not just consumers and merchants who will find the new system easier.

RFIDs Cloned Within Human Flesh

RFIDs Cloned Within Human Flesh

If it means I have to memorize one less arbitrary pin code in my life, you can tattoo a bar code on my forehead as far as I’m concerned. Still, many are worried about the privacy issues involved in implanted RFID chips, and the prospect of living in a society that may make them mandatory. Big Brother and all that.

Ohio Employees Have a Chip On Their Forearm

Ohio Employees Have a Chip On Their Forearm

Most people don’t mind wearing a security badge to work, but CityWatcher.com’s new employee identity verification system may be the first of its kind: RFID microchip implants. The Cincinnati-based video surveillance firm has “chipped” a couple of its employees, implanting glass-encased RFID transmitters in their forearms. The chips act much like current RFID badging technologies, granting the chipped employees access to restricted areas—the main difference seems to be that a determined thief would have to cut the chip out of the employee instead of simply making off with their badge. Makes the $10 badge replacement fee pale in comparison, we think.

How Wal-Mart Consumes Countries

s feet.