For once, it’s easy to understand a situation from Best Buy’s point of view. They used to sell $4.99 replacement plans for relatively cheap earbuds––those costing $10 or less. Pithecanthropus thought this was a great idea, given the longevity of a cheap pair. Especially if you have a string-loving cat in the house. But Best Buy has wised up and is no longer offering replacement plans for earbuds that cost $30 or less. That makes sense, but makes Pithecanthropus sad. [More]
replacement plans

Wait, Best Buy Replacement Plans Don’t Fix Or Replace Discontinued Gadgets?
In October 2010, less than two years ago, Best Buy sold Jason a $630 camera and a $120 Geek Squad protection plan for it. The plan included repair past the manufacturer’s warranty as well as accidental damage. His camera didn’t just get damaged: it fell onto some rocks and shattered. Wow, good thing he bought that protection plan! He brought the shards to a local Best Buy to see about getting the camera replaced. He was told that since Sony no longer makes that particular model, he was out of luck. That would be a nice racket for Best Buy if they don’t have to honor their plan for models that have been discontinued. [More]

Best Buy's Game Replacement Plan Is Not A Free Upgrade Plan
Blah, blah, when something seems to be good to true, it probably is. Kevin knows that, but was still tricked into buying an extended warranty for last year’s copy of Madden ’11 by a misinformed or unscrupulous Best Buy employee. Customers who buy sports games where a new edition comes out every year, the cashier told him, could get the next year’s game for free by purchasing a $5 replacement warranty for the game and returning it to the store the following year when the new edition comes out. Nice plan if it were true. It’s not. [More]

Radio Shack's Hassle-Free Replacement Plan Full Of Hassles, Doesn't Replace Item
While buying headsets at Radio Shack,Orlando let himself be talked into buying the Shack’s replacement plan for the item. There’s no hassle to using the plan, the salesperson assured him, but he probably should have realized that there is no such thing as “no hassle” at Radio Shack. While the plan replaced a broken headset, there was plenty of hassle, and the plan didn’t fully replace the item. [More]