
HOWTO: Get Your Phone Fixed Quick

HOWTO: Get Your Phone Fixed Quick

If your phone is out of service or you need a line installed, the wait can be interminable. Not to mention the difficulty of calling the telephone company without a phone. What if there was an emergency?

Best Buy Repair Melts Meat, Not Hearts

There is some use crying over spilt ice cream, though Best Buy won’t shed too many tears over it. That’s just as well. The resulting mix would leave a bad taste in your mouth, just like their customer service, as Nikki found when trying to get her refrigerator repaired.

Broken Bumpers, Sneaky Mechanics, and Screaming

Broken Bumpers, Sneaky Mechanics, and Screaming

This is never a good way to start a date:

How Many Tales of iPod Can We Tell? Best Buy Adds One More…

How Many Tales of iPod Can We Tell? Best Buy Adds One More…

Gothamgal purchased an iPod from Best Buy, along with the product replacement plan. Times passes, product needs replacing. Best Buy says, “no problem, bring it on down.”

Man’s Overpriced Trash Can Ain’t Garbage

Man’s Overpriced Trash Can Ain’t Garbage

When the odd silver trash can with foot-operated sits on a curb, awaiting scavenging or garbage man pickup, invariably we find the pedal slurred to one side. This critical component is often the first piece to blow on a trash can and results in the receptacle being left on the side of the street like so many teenager hookers before.

Puerto Ricans Can Buy XBox But Can’t Get One Repaired

Puerto Ricans Can Buy XBox But Can’t Get One Repaired

What is it with companies that sell warrantied products in countries or territories where they don’t have customer service repair facilities?

Buying Bargain Nokia Bears Bitter Ironies

Buying Bargain Nokia Bears Bitter Ironies

It’s time for The Consumerist to play matchmaker.

Waiting for Comcast Install Screed

Waiting for Comcast Install Screed

You call up the cable company, schedule an appointment, take off time from work and they don’t show up. You’ve heard, or told, the story many a time. In fact, we receive this same complaint several times a month.

Red-i-Lube is ‘The Smoking Engine’

Red-i-Lube is ‘The Smoking Engine’

Melissa writes in a a comedy of car errors, a spiral of compounding auto troubles and escalating costs. A simple oil change ends up as an engine getting replaced and several hundred dollars. Now she wants to know if she should take Red-i-Lube to small claims court. You be the judge, after the jump.

HOWNOTTO: Buy a Laptop

HOWNOTTO: Buy a Laptop

UPDATE: Patricia wrote in how she purchased a defective laptop from the Uniwill corporation who didn’t respond to her requests for them to live up to their warranty for on-site service. Even after finally getting through to the repair center and sending her laptop in, it was sent back in exactly the same condition: it powered down whenever a CD was inserted.