Ah, buyer’s remorse, that sinking feeling like maybe you shouldn’t have paid for that thing you just got. Or maybe you got a raw deal or passed up something you really wanted to settle for something else. That old ghost isn’t confined to haunting humans, researchers say — rats, too, can feel regret after passing up what they really want in the interest of another, less ideal deal with a shorter wait for satisfaction. [More]

What's Your Biggest Stingy Regret?
There’s a blurry line between frugality and outright miserliness, and everyone comes to their own working definition of how far one can go to save money without crossing that line. [More]

Geek Squad Founder Wishes He Would Have 'Put Foot Down More'
In a 2008 interview Geek Squad CEO Robert Stephens said he had some regrets about the customer-unfriendly behemoth he created, he told Fortune Small Business in a story posted on CNNMoney. [More]

AT&T Causing iPhone Buyer's Remorse
I did it. I succumbed to the lure of an iPhone. I love Apple products, but I now get the distinct impression that they are forcing us to get into bed with the devil, also known as AT&T. After purchasing an iPhone (the 4GB leper version for $299) at an Apple Store, I took it home and attempted to get it working.