public urination


San Francisco Lamp Post Falls Over Because People, Animals Kept Urinating On It

San Francisco officials have a pee problem, and it’s getting dangerous: a three-story tall lamp post corroded by urine snapped and fell over this week, crashing onto a nearby car and narrowly missing its driver. [More]


Police Searching For Man Seen On Security Video Urinating Into Store’s Mail Slot

Contrary to what you might believe, the world is not, in fact, your toilet. Which is why police in Scottsdale, AZ are looking for an unidentified man who was caught on camera peeing through the mail slot of a furniture store. [More]


NYC Officials Would Like To Remind Everyone To Please Refrain From Peeing On The Subway Platform

While there are some things one might hope wouldn’t need spelling out, if you want to get your message across, you’ve got to be clear. That’s why New York City’s transit officials felt the need to spell it out for patrons of the subway system, with a sign asking people to please not pee on the platform. [More]

It Is Beyond Rude To Drink A Beverage Of Your Body’s Own Making At A Restaurant

It Is Beyond Rude To Drink A Beverage Of Your Body’s Own Making At A Restaurant

Listen — your beverage of choice is exactly that, and you can put into your body whatever that may be. But if you choose to drink your own urine, it is totally impolite to ah, pour yourself a drink at a restaurant in front of other unsuspecting diners. [More]

Walmart Customer Arrested For Urinating On Steaks

Walmart Customer Arrested For Urinating On Steaks

Either this man was not in his right mind, or this was the stupidest animal-rights protest ever. The police in Canton, Ohio report that a man was arrested and jailed for urinating on a Walmart meat counter, ruining $600 worth of steak. [More]