public radio


Breaking: No One Actually Sells Pig Rectums As ‘Imitation Calamari’

For the last week or so, public radio listeners haven’t been able to look at their deep-fried appetizers quite the same way. That’s because two weekends ago, the WBEZ/PRI program “This American Life” investigated a reader’s tip that in a meat-packing plant somewhere in America, there was a box of pig rectums with the words “Imitation Calamari” printed on the side. [More]

VIDEO: Derivatives Are Sort Of Like A Pre-Ordered Turkey

VIDEO: Derivatives Are Sort Of Like A Pre-Ordered Turkey

The business and financial news are full of something called “derivatives.” But, okay, what is that? You’re not the only one who’s wondering. That’s why Paddy Hirsch from the public radio program Marketplace put together a whiteboard, some stick figures, and a bunch of metaphorical turkeys to explain it all to us.

VIDEO: What Happened To All Of Those Toxic Assets?

VIDEO: What Happened To All Of Those Toxic Assets?

Hey, remember the TARP program? If banks are now paying back TARP funds, then what happened to those toxic assets? Are they sitting in a canyon in Wyoming for the next 10,000 years? Not exactly.