Update 2: Sprint has also announced that it is waiving fees, retroactive to Wednesday. (Thanks to changebumpin!)
Update: MSNBC has updated their article, and they say that AT&T has announced it will waive fees for donations, and apply the exemption retroactively to those who have already donated. (Thanks to Mathew for the heads up.) [More]

Update: All Four Major Carriers Now Waiving Fees For Haiti SMS Donations

Finding Legal Lucre In Identity Theft
A slate of companies legitimately profit from identity theft by offering services that the three credit reporting agencies refuse to make easily accessible to consumers. The Times brings us the stories of three such companies that are sucking the venture capital teat all the way to market:

Gas Companies Profit During Consumer Plight
As quarterly earnings rolled in yesterday, Exxon announced it earned $8 billion in profits. The oil company earned 9.5 cents per dollar of gas, “cashing in on skyrocketing prices at every stage of the process,” reports MSNBC.