Another cruise in the news, another batch of passengers clutched in the gross embrace of that scourge of all pleasure vessels on the high seas, norovirus. A Princess Cruises ship in New Zealand has had 200 passengers fall ill recently, struck with the nasty gastrointestinal illness. [More]
princess cruises

Norovirus Strikes A Crown Princess Cruise For The Second Time This Year, Sickening 170
Some guests just refuse to leave, even when the party is over, it seems: For the second time in six months, Carnival’s Crown Princess, which sails the seas under the Princess Cruises brand, has hosted an outbreak of norovirus. The ship was met at the dock in Los Angeles yesterday by public health officials after more than 170 passengers and some crew fell ill on a 28-day cruise to destinations like Tahiti and Hawaii. [More]

Three Dozen Passengers On Crown Princess Cruise Ship Struck With Norovirus
UPDATE: Princess Cruises now says 66 passengers and 17 crew members have fallen ill, for a total of 83 sick people. [More]

Memo To Cruise Lines: Seattle Is Not Cozumel
A few different cruise lines took initiative and changed the itineraries of ships heading to Mexico in the near future. However, they won’t let customers who are uninterested in sailing to the tropical paradise of San Francisco rebook or get full refunds.

Strangers Chip In To Fulfill Cheated Grandmother's Cruise Dream
There’s hope for humanity yet: the 78-year old pensioner who saved 10 years for a cruise, only to have Princess Cruises screw her out of her money after missed connections resulted in a missed embarkation? She will get to take that cruise. After her story hit the papers and the blogosphere, strangers stepped forward to fund her cruise ship dreams. This time, Almentia McKan will arrive a day in advance, fly non-stop, and purchase travel insurance. She probably won’t be sailing Princess Cruises either.

Pensioneer Saves For Cruise For 10 Years, Misses Flight, Princess Cruises Keeps All Her Money
A 78-year old pensioner saved for a cruise for 10 years, but after she missed an airplane connection, she missed the cruise ship and Princess Cruises gets to keep her $2500 paid for the cruise. They’re also keeping the $559.80 the airlines refunded because she didn’t take the flight. (See how that works? You don’t get charged unless you actually use their service…) You gotta read the Washington Post column for the full run-down of all the different things that went wrong on this lil old lady’s trip.