They’re making a list and checking it twice, and you’re about to find out who’s naughty and nice. Get it? Because Consumer Reports is coming to town? Or rather, it’s issued its annual list of the companies it considers to be bad little boys and girls and those who are to be held up as examples to the rest of’em. Let’s get to it [cue gleeful rubbing together of hands]! [More]
pnc bank

Sirius Refunds Customer’s Money But Bank Can’t Explain Why Payments Were Appoved In The First Place
More than a year ago, a man in New Jersey entered his PNC Bank debit card information into the Sirius website so he could sample the satellite radio company’s service for a month. Unfortunately, he only realized in recent weeks that the free trial had auto-renewed into a paid subscription. [More]

Loan Mod Denied Because Family Saved Too Much, Now Heading To Foreclosure
This family sought a loan mod after the father had his hours cut at work, making it hard for them to make their regular monthly payments. They followed the advice of housing counselors, reducing expenses and saving up money. Finally, PNC Bank told them their loan was denied. The $7,160 they saved up, which included a $5,218 tax refund, meant they were too well off to qualify. Now their house heads towards foreclosure. [More]

Launch An ACS EECB
Here are email addresses you can use to launch an EECB (executive email carpet bomb) against ACS, a student lending company that’s a subsidiary of PNC bank.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 5
Ring ring, Mr. Banker, pick up the phone, we hit the stopwatch and hang up. Here are the results.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 4
Today’s results in our week-long test of how long it takes banks humanoids to pick up the ring ring ring.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 3
The results of today’s benchmark test to see how long it takes banks’ live humans to pick up the phone.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 1
We’ll be calling up the banks this week to see who’s the quickest at having a human pick up the phone.