Last week, Dan returned home from work to find that Comcast contractors’ vans had blocked his driveway in. Not just one, but two vans from Kabletown had parked across the end of his driveway. Sure, Dan could just park on a neighboring street and walk for an extra minute or so, but his brother had a bigger problem: he was blocked in. What could they do? Call the police? Comcast? The homeowners’ association? Jack Donaghy? Dan wrote to us while the brothers were weighing their options. One interesting piece of information: the brothers are disgruntled former Comcast customers. [More]
passive aggressive notes

Telling A Diner She Looks Pregnant Is Not A Good Way To Get Tips
Here’s a tip for everyone, but especially those in the food service field: Even if you’re pretty certain that a female customer is pregnant, you might want to not mention it, lest you end up stiffed on a tip and the recipient of an angry note. [More]