Every community has at least one business that has built up, over the years, an impressive collection of passive-aggressive warning signs. Where reader J. lives, that business is the UPS Store: an establishment where colorful clip art warns customers not to take more than one candy from the dish on the counter, because cameras are watching. Oh, sorry, “THE CAMERA’S.” [More]
passive aggressive

This Coffee Shop Has A Lot Of Rules
Little-known fact: some coffee shops can be havens of passive-aggressive behavior. Reader Paul discovered what might be the most passive-aggressive coffee shop we’ve ever seen, and he’d like to share its dysfunction with the world.

ACE Hardware Is Tired Of People Asking For Double Ended Male Adapters
At the risk of allowing this post to devolve into a discussion about the morality of “double ended male” products in general — we thought we’d share this photo of a sign spotted in the window of an ACE Hardware store.

Subway Says Get Off Your Phone Or Go To The Back Of The Line
Sean says he approves of the this sign that he saw at an Idaho Subway location today, but his wife wasn’t a fan…