
Court Says Man Can Continue To Sell Tasteless Walmart Parody T-Shirts

Court Says Man Can Continue To Sell Tasteless Walmart Parody T-Shirts

Timothy Batten in Atlanta ruled that Charles Smith may maintain his Web sites, and Smith also may continue to sell novelty, satirical merchandise that criticizes the company, the judge said.

Veringular: We're Dropping Your Calls On Purpose And There Isn't **** You Can Do About It

[Adult Swim]

Citibank’s ATM Crisis Merely Extends “Money Don’t Matter” Campaign

Citibank’s ATM Crisis Merely Extends “Money Don’t Matter” Campaign

Here’s a spoof of Citibank’s hoary “Live Richly” ad campaign, penned by Adfreak’s Tim Nudd.

Panexa: The Right Choice, The Safe Choice

Panexa: The Right Choice, The Safe Choice

Gelf Magazine has an interview with Carrie McLaren of Stay Free!, a Brooklyn-based media outlet that “explores the politics and perversions of mass media and American (consumer) culture.” Which is to say, hippies gnawing on at the trunk of the freedom tree.