Shampooing every day isn’t only wasteful, it can also harm your hair, according to NPR. Back in the olden days, when waterfalls passed for high-pressure showers, people would shampoo only once a month. That wasn’t enough, but if you shampoo more than three times a week, you’re actually making your hair oilier because your glands need to work overtime to replace the natural oils you’re washing away.
A new California state campaign says that If you drive a new car, you can change your oil less frequently than every 3,000 miles, despite what it says on the plastic sticker in the upper corner of your windshield. [SFGate]
Burger King Testing Trans-Fat Free Oils
Fast-food chain Burger King Holdings Inc. on Wednesday said it started testing in its restaurants several trans-fat free cooking oils and plans to roll one out nationwide in late 2008.

Find Cheap Gas
Two tools for finding cheap gas teats nearby are Cheap Gas and MSN Autos. The first integrates Gas Buddy with Google Maps. Bill Gates’ offering displays pricing info from over 90,000 gas stations nationwide using data from the OPIS Price Index.