off the grid

Giant List Of Data Brokers To Opt Out Of

Giant List Of Data Brokers To Opt Out Of

Everyone is freaking out about Facebook having/owning your data, but they’re NKOTB (New Kids On The Block). There’s a slew of guys that have been carving up, packaging and reselling your personal information since before “Please Don’t Go Girl” started assaulting our ear canals. Here’s a cubic ton of data brokers, direct marketers and data aggregation services, with links to how you can opt your digits out of their databases. [More]

How To Disappear From The Transaction Grid

How To Disappear From The Transaction Grid

The complete essay, “Vanishing Point: How to disappear in America without a trace,” contains some of the most amusing paranoid delusional crap we’ve ever had the pleasure of reading, some of it criminal in nature, but it speaks to the lengths one might have to go to “live off the grid” as it were, in modern America.