not-so-free refills

(Bill Binns)

Your First Drink At Starbucks Doesn’t Matter, If You Want Refills

As people who like to loiter in coffee shops most likely know, you can get refills of brewed coffee or tea at Starbucks for only fifty cents, and the refills are free once you’ve bought five drinks with the shop’s payment app or a registered gift card. What you may not know, though, is that your first drink doesn’t need to be a plain brewed coffee: it can be a fancy espresso-based concoction. [More]

Starbucks Won't Give Me Free Refill Because I Stepped Out Onto Patio

Starbucks Won't Give Me Free Refill Because I Stepped Out Onto Patio

Dustin really needed his caffeine fix and was hoping to get a free refill after he ordered his coffee at Starbucks and gulped it down at the adjoining patio. When he stepped back inside, the manager turned down his refill request, saying his second entrance into the store counted as another visit and left him ineligible for a free-fill. [More]