The man who lives in a nice brick house in the suburbs of Dallas says that he isn’t a squatter: he’s paying rent for the house. Who is he paying it to? That part is not so clear, and it’s not entirely clear who even owns the house. The neighbors, however, are tired of the mystery tenant’s approach to yardwork, poor maintenance of the house, and constantly barking dogs. [More]

City Confiscates Man’s Electronics Because He Won’t Stop Blasting Celine Dion Song
There are people who like Celine Dion’s music, and then there’s a British man who took his love of “My Heart Will Go On” to such a loud, repetitive extreme that city officials were forced to confiscate his audio equipment to make him stop. [More]

Save Me From The Supermarket Light Pollution Menace
Until a few months ago, Chris didn’t mind sharing a fence with a grocery store. Being able to scoot next door to pick up a few items would be pretty convenient. Then the lights came on. Two terrible, bright, glaring parking lot lights. They shine in his windows, illuminating his bedroom to an extent that even the thickest curtains can’t block. The lights are, of course, on 24/7. The store manager promises to solve the situation, but no solution is in sight. The only things in sight are those parking lot lights. Those bright, bright parking lot lights. What would the Consumerists do? [More]

How To Quiet Your Neighbor's Loud Birds If You're Quentin Tarantino
Neighborly disputes are universal, even for high-powered Hollywood writer-directors. Quentin Tarantino and True Blood maestro Alan Ball got into a tiff involving Ball’s allegedly loud exotic birds. Tarantino said the birds’ “blood-curdling screams” impeded his ability to work at home, and Ball promised to build a sound-proof aviary and keep the birds inside until construction was finished. Apparently, at some point after the agreement, the birds were still repeatedly left outside for several hours, and Tarantino sued. [More]

Should I Worry That My Townhouse Neighbor Has Disappeared?
Grant tells Consumerist that his next-door neighbor disappeared…maybe because of an impending foreclosure, maybe not. No one knows where she has gone. They do know that the house is unoccupied, and Grant worries that the ravages of a Midwestern winter might burst a pipe or cause other damage to the empty home. Why does he care? They’re townhouses, and whatever happens to the house next door could affect him. [More]

Neighbor Gives Away Couple's Possessions On Craigslist Without Their Permission
It’s every Freecycle moderator’s nightmare. A family in the Dallas/Fort Worth suburb of Mansfield woke up to discover men with a truck packing up their portable basketball hoop…which they weren’t giving away. It had been listed on the “free” section of Craigslist by their neighbor…a police officer in a nearby town.
Time Warner Offers $30 Credit To Apologize For Hammering Through Wall, Drilling Through Floor
A Time Warner installation tech searching for a cable line hammered several holes in reader Christos’ wall, and then drilled a few more in his floor. When the random destruction failed to produce the wire, the tech crept downstairs and split Christos’ neighbor’s line. Now Christos can only watch the channel selected on his neighbor’s cable box.

Neighbors Complain Of "Unbearable Stench" Coming From Gordon Ramsay's Restaurant
Can having a “nice” restaurant in the neighborhood ruin your property values?

State Department Delays Implementation Of New Passport Regulations Until September 30
Unable to cope with the overwhelming demand for new passports, the State Department will allow Americans to travel between Mexico, Canada and Caribbean nations without a passport until September 30. Citizens have needed a passport to fly to and from neighboring nations since January 23.