The next time you go shopping for a new HDTV, keep in mind that the brightness and contrast settings don’t adjust brightness and contrast, and most of the fancier-sounding image quality controls don’t do anything except possibly degrade the image. Also, motion blur in live video is largely imaginary, which is good because advertised response times are highly exaggerated. And hey, that impressive “dynamic contrast ratio” the manufacturer is crowing about? Most of the extra contrasty goodness happens when there’s no image on the screen. [More]

Life Insurance Myths Debunked
Canadian finance blog Financial Highway is running a a financial mythbuster series, and the latest entry tackles life insurance. [More]

Credit Score Myths Debunked
Ray at Financial Highway goes Mythbusters on credit scores, revealing 7 myths about the financial benchmarks. [More]

Consumer Reports Health Blog Debunks 6 Medical Myths
Today’s “April False” post on the Consumer Reports Health Blog looks at six commonly held medical and health misconceptions. The only one I must take issue with is the one about baldness, because I am balding and I am not only a better lover, but probably the best lover. Otherwise, take a look and learn something new.

Radio Shack Employee Lies, Says Government Requires Your Name And Address To Use DTV Coupon
Tim tried to use a Digital TV coupon at a Philadelphia Radio Shack and was told that he had to provide his name and address in order to redeem it, as per government regulations. Strike out “government” and replace with “imaginary” and you’re closer to the truth. Hmm, did this Radio Shack employee just break the law?

3 DTV Switch Myths You Can Debunk Over The Holidays
Judging by our inbox, there are still a lot of people who don’t understand the Digital Broadcast Television Switch. Here are some myths that you can help debunk at your next family gathering.

Risk-Based Pricing Is A Myth
Credit card companies need to penalize bad behavior with outrageous fees to keep credit affordable for the rest of us, right? Yeah, not so much. Credit Slips blogger and Georgetown Law Professor Adam Levitin argues that risk-based pricing is a myth that credit card companies exploit to escape well-deserved government regulation.

6 Gas Saving Myths… Debunked
CNNMoney has compiled a list of gas saving myths and asked Consumer Reports and to debunk them. Here’s the list:

5 Car Lease Myths
Mark Solheim over on Kiplinger thinks leasing cars has a bad rap, and that more people should be doing it. “If you know what you’re looking for and negotiate smart—and get over the five myths below—leasing can be a good deal.”
13 Retirement Myths Debunked By Money Magazine
According to Money, there are 13 big myths about retirement that you need to be aware of—and the sooner you know about them, the sooner you can make any necessary adjustments to improve your preparations for those twilight years.Myth 1: You need a big income to have a big nest eggMyth 2: You…

8 Traffic Ticket Myths
Bankrate has listed 8 myths about traffic tickets and we like it! Spending money on traffic tickets is a huge waste.