It’s sadly inevitable that at some point one of your coworkers will cope with the death of a loved one. The grieving process is intensely personal and changes the dynamics and etiquette of the office. [More]

Biodegradable Coffins, "Composting At Its Best"
Biodegradable coffins allow you to rest in peace without putting a permanent dent in the planet or your wallet.

Cremation: The Cheap And Environmentally Friendly Alternative To Burial
Cremation is catching fire as Americans look for low-cost, low-resource alternatives to burial. Cremation often costs half as much as traditional funerals – $4,000 instead of $8,000 – and does not require wood or land space. This combination is putting the heat on traditional funeral homes.
In theory, death care should be immune from short-term economic swings. Death is one of only two sure things in life, and the U.S. population is aging.