
10 Ways to Lower Your 2009 Taxes

10 Ways to Lower Your 2009 Taxes

With less than two months left in the year, it’s time to start considering year-end money moves to reduce your 2009 tax burden. To help spur some ideas, MSN Money has ten suggestions as follows:

Quicken Online To Be Shut Down Next Year, Accounts Merged With Mint

Quicken Online To Be Shut Down Next Year, Accounts Merged With Mint

When news broke back in September that Intuit, the company behind Quicken, was buying personal finance website Mint, everyone wondered how the two services would co-exist. The worst case scenario was that Mint would be absorbed somehow into Intuit’s in-house competitor, Quicken Online. Thankfully, it looks like the opposite will happen.

Verizon Wireless To Hike ETFs On "Advanced" Devices

Verizon Wireless To Hike ETFs On "Advanced" Devices

Are you looking to get a smartphone on the Verizon network anytime soon? Make sure that you like it before you sign a contract, since starting November 15th, Verizon will be imposing a higher early termination fee—up to $350—on contracts for “advanced” devices. That means smartphones.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

How to give even when you’re broke [Smart Spending] “Your time might be more valuable than your money.”

Update: Capital One: Waive Your Rights, Get $10 Off Your Next Overlimit Fee!

Update: Capital One: Waive Your Rights, Get $10 Off Your Next Overlimit Fee!

Here’s the straight scoop on what’s up with the story in that “Capital One: Waive Your Rights, Get $10 Off Your Next Overlimit Fee!” post.

Goldman Secretly Bet On Housing Crash

Goldman Secretly Bet On Housing Crash

A 5-month investigation by McClatchy Newspapers has found that Goldman secretly bet on the housing crash, went out and pimped the dickens out of assets it knew were junk, and may have broken securities laws in doing so. McClatchy found that Goldman…

Giant Lender CIT Goes Bankrupt And 9 Banks Go Under

Giant Lender CIT Goes Bankrupt And 9 Banks Go Under

Ghosts were not only cruising sidewalks looking for candy this weekend, they had also infested some banking balance sheets.

Capital One: Waive Your Rights, Get $10 Off Your Next Overlimit Fee!

Capital One: Waive Your Rights, Get $10 Off Your Next Overlimit Fee!

Everett says Capital One called him up and made him an offer. If he opted out of at least one of the consumer credit protections enacted by the CARD act, Capital One would drop the overlimit fees from $39 to $29! Woo!

Airlines Could Start Charging Extra For Credit Cards

Airlines Could Start Charging Extra For Credit Cards

Could extra fees for using a credit card to pay become the airline industry’s hot new trend?

Revealing The Hidden Cost Of PrePaid Debit Cards

Revealing The Hidden Cost Of PrePaid Debit Cards

With credit cards harder to come by and more annoying to use, the prepaid debit card market is projected to explode from $8.7 billion loaded on the cards to $119 billion in 2012, but a good chunk of that is going to be eaten up by hidden fees and gotchas. This sexy graphic visualization shows how.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Barter for the Services You Need [Wall Street Journal] “Cash-strapped consumers are increasingly bartering to get needed products and services. If you’re considering bartering, here are a few things you should know.”

Former Citigroup Head Waxes Nostalgic For Regulation He Helped Kill

Former Citigroup Head Waxes Nostalgic For Regulation He Helped Kill

Retired head of Citigroup John Reed seems to have some misgivings about the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1932, which his company lobbied to kill in the first place.

What Recovery? 937,840 Foreclosures Q3

What Recovery? 937,840 Foreclosures Q3

What recovery? There were 937,840 foreclosures in Q3 in the US, according to RealtyTrac, the highest quarterly level since they starting issuing reports in 2005. Let’s take a closer look via giant sexy graphic visualization, inside.

28 Cash-Saving Ways To Get Your House Winter-Ready

28 Cash-Saving Ways To Get Your House Winter-Ready

Brrrr! It’s getting cold and it’s time to get the ol’ homestead ready so Jack Frost isn’t picking your pocket through your unsealed windows and faulty furnaces. In the comments section on the popular “9 House Fixes To Save $ Before Winter Starts” post you guys left lots of great ideas on how you’re getting prepared this winter, so here’s 28 of the best of them so we can all learn and save together.

Al Franken: How Many Medical Bankruptcies Are There In Switzerland?

Al Franken: How Many Medical Bankruptcies Are There In Switzerland?

We stray into politics often at our peril but I had to share this clip of Sen. Franken kneecapping a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute conservative think tank. In what was supposed to be a hearing on the Medical Bankruptcy Fairness Act, Diana Furchtgott-Roth instead used her testimony to pillory against health care reform proposals not even being discussed. After Sen. Whitehouse asks her if she even read the bill at hand, Sen. Franken goes: “You said the way we’re going will increase bankruptcies…How many bankruptcies because of medical crises were there last year in Switzerland?”

4 Money Conversations You Should Have Before You Commit

4 Money Conversations You Should Have Before You Commit

Before you tie your destiny and your credit rating to the person you love, there are some decidedly un-romantic conversations that you need to have in order to prevent discord and catastrophe later in life.

Know Your Closing Costs Or Else A Shark Will Eat You

Know Your Closing Costs Or Else A Shark Will Eat You

Homebuyers looking to save money will try to buy without an agent and deal directly with the seller’s broker, but beware, they feed on your weaknesses, ignorance, fear, and money.

15 Things More Important than Money

15 Things More Important than Money

The recession has caused many people to look at money and reevaluate their lives in relation to it. There’s no doubt that money is important to everyone (after all, it’s hard to eat, buy clothes, and have a place to stay without money), but some have come to realize that having lots of money isn’t the end-all of life — there are many things that are much more important than accumulating wealth.