money wasters

What's Your Most Expensive Habit?

What's Your Most Expensive Habit?

Booze, drugs and gambling aren’t the only pricey habits. For example, as much as I enjoy cooking, it’s often so much easier and convenient to have something delivered or get take-out. It’s gotten to the point that many of the restaurants know my order before I even have time to say it. I know I’m throwing away good money, but it’s a hard habit to shake. [More]

Want To Experience Retail Crack? Try Swoopo

Want To Experience Retail Crack? Try Swoopo

Just in case that headline doesn’t make it clear: we do not recommend you try Swoopo, because you do not want to experience retail crack. Stay far, far away from Swoopo. Swoopo will feed into every gambling and spending impulse buried in the irrational parts of your brain, and suck up your money. There’s a reason the site describes itself as “entertainment shopping.”