It’s official — Microsoft has decided it wants to play a lot of Minecraft, and it’s willing to pay $2.5 billion for the right to do so. The company announced today that it reached a deal to purchase Swedish Minecraft developer Mojang. [More]

Foam Minecraft Pickaxe Shipped Nestled In Foam Peanuts For, Um, Some Reason
Of all of the things likely to be damaged in transit, a foam pickax is pretty low on the list. Sure, it could be torn, folded, or otherwise mangled. But impact damage is pretty unlikely, which is why Hannah found the packaging in which her Minecraft merch shipped so stupid and wasteful that it hurt her brain a little. [More]

Game Company Apologizes For Failure To Upgrade Purchases Without Being Publicly Shamed First
We love the rare instances where a company makes a proactive effort to fix a problem before customers have to resort to a barrage of complaints. In this case, Mojang apologized for an upgrade glitch for Minecraft users, and as reader Derick puts it, “You just gotta love it when a company assumes responsibility for a billing mistake without the need to be publicly shamed first.” [More]