Oculus began accepting pre-orders for their Rift virtual reality headsets back in January, but not everyone who ordered early has their device yet. Those customers will probably be disappointed to hear that Oculus is going ahead with its retail strategy. Some devices will be available for retail sale at Microsoft stores and from Amazon on Friday, May 6, and available for special demos and for sale at a few Best Buy locations on Saturday, May 7. [More]
microsoft store

Microsoft Store: Just Kidding, Everyone! We Still Accept Bitcoins
Remember yesterday, when the Microsoft Store’s support page said it no longer accepted Bitcoins as payment for funding accounts? If you were upset, turn that frown upside down, as Microsoft says that support page information was some kind of fluke, glitch, or otherwise unintended mistake. [More]

Microsoft Store Will No Longer Accept Bitcoins As Payment
If you liked using Bitcoin to pay for apps in the Microsoft Store, we’ve got some bad news for you: the cryptocurrency is no longer a valid payment method. [More]

Microsoft Store Can’t Exchange A Defective Computer Properly, Sends Me Wrong Refund
Albert wrote to us about his problems with his Cyber Monday purchase from the Microsoft Store. No, we haven’t been sitting on his message for almost two months: he’s been struggling with Microsoft for that long, trying to get this transaction to make sense. One important thing that he learned: just because he’s lucky enough to live relatively near a Microsoft Store, that doesn’t mean it will do him any good. [More]

My Quest For A Defect-Free Microsoft Surface Goes Surprisingly Poorly
Being an early adopter can be difficult. Overall, Grady likes his new Microsoft Surface tablet, but noticed some hardware issues, like light distortion and a power button that doesn’t feel right. Those are relatively minor issues when the entire device is working well, but not what Grady expected when he laid out $600 for a new tablet. That’s when he began his quest to return his Surface to Microsoft and obtain one with no defects, cosmetic or otherwise. This quest turned out to be more difficult than he had predicted. [More]

Sony Sends Technician To Your House To Break Your Computer
A functioning touchscreen is an important feature of a touchscreen computer. Yet the Sony VAIO desktop that Frank purchased at a Microsoft store and had shipped to his home on the other side of the country had a faulty touchscreen. Since he was on vacation when purchasing the computer, It was too late for a store return, so he had to deal with Sony. They very helpfully sent someone to his home to fix the computer, but the technician instead broke his VAIO even more, then didn’t show up for the return visit where he was supposed to actually fix the darn thing. [More]

A Look Inside Microsoft's First Retail Store
Destructoid’s Conrad Zimmerman hoofed it to the world’s first Microsoft Store in Scottsdale. People actually camped out overnight in order to be the first to get a look inside, which shows you how little there is to do in Arizona.

Microsoft Favors Braun Over Brains In Store Employees
Thinking about going for a job at one of those snazzy new Microsoft Stores? Time to stock up on the Creatine and start pumping iron, because Microsoft will need you to be able to lift 75 pounds. That’s like two Paris Hiltons!

Microsoft Retail Stores Prepare For Sensory Overload, Global Domination
This is old news to some of our readers, but not all: Microsoft is planning to open their own retail stores. What would such a wondrous place look like? Gizmodo has a concept Powerpoint presentation (what else?) that shows what the stores could look like.