The killjoys at Men’s Health are out with their list of the worst French fries in America — based on how toxic they are, rather than on relative yumminess — and have crowned Chili’s Texas Chese Fries the deadliest. We suppose it has something to do with the cheese, ranch dressing and bacon that accompany the fries. [More]
men’s health

Men's Health Plagiarizes Their Own Cover (On Purpose)
Men’s Health was recently busted for reusing an old cover almost word for word. Now Men’s Health Editor-in- Chief David Zinczenko is telling the NY Post that it wasn’t a mistake, it’s part of a secret awesome branding strategy. [More]

Delicious 2,600-Calorie Baskin Robbins Milkshake Is The Worst Food In America
In their annual roundup of unhealthy restaurant foods, Men’s Health has declared the Baskin Robbins large chocolate Oreo shake the worst food in America, supplanting Outback’s bacon and ranch dressing cheese fries.