Next week the New York Times has asked me to be on a panel they’re hosting called, “Your Money: A Financial Tuneup,” along with Your Money columnist Ron Leiber, Jean Chatzky, the author of “Money 911”,” and Burton Malkiel, an economics professor at Princeton and author of “A Random Walk Down Wall Street.” Should be a fun and engaging look at how people are dealing with personal finance issues in these times. [More]

Get A Financial Tune-Up, March 25 NYC
Join me and NY Times columnist Ron Lieber for a “being smart about personal finance in the recession” panel discussion and Q&A Thursday, March 25, at 6:30 pm. The show happens at 620 8th ave, 15th floor, admission is free. RSVP to [More]

Consumerist Meetup Recap
Our second Consumerist meetup last night went off like gangbusters. Consumerist reader and Bad Buttons creator Kate Black. Reader Gary to the right investigating one of GitEmSteveDave’s RoofCoffeeCup cards. [More]

Consumerist NYC Meetup Tonight!
The next Consumerist meetup is tonight, 5-7pm, at Dylan Murphy’s, 1453 3rd Ave, between 82 & 83rd, New York City. Free beer and sammiches. Mix and mingle with fellow Consumerati. Panel discussion with smart people starts at 6. Direction inside. [More]

Consumerist NYC Meetup This Thursday
Unleash the piper and bang the drum, the next Consumerist meetup is this Thursday at Jan 21, 5-7pm, Dylan Murphy’s, 1453 3rd Ave, between 82 & 83rd, New York City. Free beer and sandwiches will be in attendance. Also in attendance, us, free tshirts and Anti-Gift-Cards, and fellow consumer advocate and journalist Bob Sullivan of MSNBC’s Red Tape Chronicles. Should be a real hootenanny! Directions and parking info, inside. [More]

Consumerist NYC Meetup Next Week! 1/21
Consumerist’s next New York meetup is coming up fast. It’s Thursday, Jan 21, 5-7pm, Dylan Murphy’s, 1453 3rd Ave, free beer and snackies. We are joining forces with super awesome consumer cat Bob Sullivan of MSNBC’s The Red Tape Chronicles to do this one. The format for the evening is: chaos – panel discussion on how the greatest threat to consumers is their inability to do math – chaos. If you are working media/blogger you can RSVP to for a press kit and a review copy of Bob’s new book, Stop Getting Ripped Off. Inside, parking and directions info. [More]

Consumerist NYC Meetup: 1/21 5-7pm Dylan Murphy's
Yo gang it’s time for another Consumerist meetup with free beer!
Date: January 21, 2010
Time: 5-7 p.m.
Place: Dylan Murphy’s – 1453 3rd Avenue (between 83rd and 84th), NYC
We’re hooking up with our friend Bob Sullivan of MSNBC’s Red Tape Chronicles to do a panel discussion on what’s really bringing down the American consumer: poor math skills.

Consumerist Meetup Great Success!
Last night’s first ever Consumerist meetup went off like gangbusters. At least 75 people showed up to Botanica Bar in New York to drink our beer, mingle with one another, watch movies, and celebrate prolific commenter GitEmSteveDave, who has been asking for a labcoat in the comments for months, receiving said much-desired and deserved labcoat. More pictures and highlights, inside… UPDATE: Adding new event pictures, courtesy of commenter NYBiker!
See You At The Meetup!
Heading out to set up equipment for tonight’s Consumerist reader meetup at Botanica Bar, 47 Houston st, starting at 6. See you there!

1st Consumerist Meetup This Wed. Night!
Don’t forget, the first ever Consumerist meetup is tomorrow night. And it’s coming at a perfect time: This month is Consumerist’s four-year birthday!

First Consumerist Meetup 11/4!
I just got done setting up our equipment rental to show the Internets Celebrities movies from Rooftop Films, which means that our first Consumerist meetup must be very close indeed…

Consumerist Meetup NYC: 11/4 6-9pm Botanica Bar
Woo! We’ve locked down the first Consumerist Meetup for Wed, Nov 4th, 6-9pm at Botanica Bar, 47 E Houston St, New York, NY.

Announcing The First Consumerist Meetup
We’re planning on having a Consumerist meetup in early November. Currently locking down a location in Manhattan, more details to come. Nothing fancy, just a chance to meet other readers and hang out with the writers from the site and have some drinks on us!