local produce

(liz west)

At Kroger, “Local” Produce Comes From Within 400 Miles

The virtue and environmental impact of buying locally-grown produce is a controversial question, but produce trucked from a nearby farm usually tastes better, at least. It’s also nice when a grocery store points out which items of produce come from farms in your community. The key question is, how do you define “local”? [More]

(Morton Fox)

McDonald’s Calls For Definition Of “Sustainable” Beef

McDonald’s is a massive, global company. As such, it can stand to save piles of cash in the long-run by making some minor changes that cut down on its energy costs. But the largest chunk of McDonald’s CO2 footprint involves a product for which the company claims there are no sustainability standards: the beef in its burgers. [More]

Walmart Has An Incredibly Generous View Of What "Locally Grown" Means

Walmart Has An Incredibly Generous View Of What "Locally Grown" Means

Back in Oct. 2010, Walmart vowed to double the amount of locally grown produce it sells at its stores by 2015. But judging by these bags of “Locally Grown” apples, the retail behemoth appears to be embracing a very global view of the term “local.” [More]

How Local Is That "Locally Grown" Produce At Your Grocery

How Local Is That "Locally Grown" Produce At Your Grocery Store?

Last October, Walmart announced a pledge to double the amount of produce it purchases from local growers by 2015, with the three-pronged goal of saving on fuel costs, reducing spoilage and catering to a growing consumer appetite for local produce. But while Walmart defines “local” as grown and sold in the same state, your grocery store might have a different definition for the term. [More]