
Verizon Sues Over FCC's Net Neutrality Rules

Verizon Sues Over FCC's Net Neutrality Rules

Unhappy with the FCC’s net neutrality rules that have yet to take effect, Verizon filed suit in a federal appeals court. in December, the FCC ruled that while wireless providers can throttle internet use based on what kind of content users are attempting to access, they can’t block access to competitors. Non-wireless ISPs generally aren’t allowed to throttle internet use. [More]

Texting Woman Who Fell Into Fountain May Sue Mall

Texting Woman Who Fell Into Fountain May Sue Mall

A woman who was so focused on texting that she fell into a fountain is suing is hinting that she may sue the mall after leaked security footage of the incident went viral. [More]

Feds Sue New York City For Overbilling Medicaid

Feds Sue New York City For Overbilling Medicaid

Saying it’s caught New York City’s hand in the Medicaid cookie jar, the federal government has sued the city, claiming it billed Medicaid for “at least tens of millions of dollars” more than it was legally allowed. [More]

Sony Goes After Alleged PS3 Hackers, Wants Them To Hush Up

Sony Goes After Alleged PS3 Hackers, Wants Them To Hush Up

Hackers have apparently shredded the security innards that stop people from messing with PlayStation 3 firmware, so Sony is wielding its legal katana. [More]

Dirty Debt Collectors Sued Under RICO Act

Dirty Debt Collectors Sued Under RICO Act

A judge has set an interesting precedent, allowing a pack of skeevy debt collectors get sued under the RICO act, the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization law. [More]

Pay Movers A Fuel Surcharge Fee? Get Money Back

Pay Movers A Fuel Surcharge Fee? Get Money Back

If you hired movers and paid a fuel surcharge fee, you could be up for getting some cash back in a recent class action action. [More]

Arm & Hammer Sues Fresh Step Because "Cats Don't Talk"

Arm & Hammer Sues Fresh Step Because "Cats Don't Talk"

Seen those commercials of cats preferring Fresh Step to Arm & Hammer’s “Super Scoop?” Well, so has Arm & Hammer and they are very annoyed. [More]

Can Bedbugs At The Waldorf-Astoria Actually Give You An Anxiety Disorder?

Can Bedbugs At The Waldorf-Astoria Actually Give You An Anxiety Disorder?

The bedbug lawsuits are flying… or maybe they’re crawling. Anyway, Gothamist has a post about the most recent customer to point a calamine-scented finger at the Waldorf-Astoria. [More] Refunds Thousands In Scareware Suit Refunds Thousands In Scareware Suit

FinallyFast, one of those companies with the late-night infomercials promising to make your computer faster, has settled with the Washington AG for misleading and deceiving consumers, and making it hard to cancel or get refunds. One of their tactics was to make the free scan on their site falsely identify harmless files on your computer as being errors. Consumers can now get some of their money back. [More]

Seven Insurance Companies Sue Toyota Over Blamed On Sudden Acceleration

Seven Insurance Companies Sue Toyota Over Blamed On Sudden Acceleration

Legal troubles for Toyota continues, as a group of seven insurance companies has filed suit against the car maker, looking to recover money they paid out to policyholders involved in crashes allegedly caused by sudden unintended acceleration. [More]

Judge: Walmart Not To Blame For Man Crashing Into Parking Lot Pole

Judge: Walmart Not To Blame For Man Crashing Into Parking Lot Pole

Some of you may remember the story of the man who sued Walmart after he crashed his truck into a pole in one of the retail chain’s parking lots. Many readers were dismissive of the man’s claim that the store was at fault, and it looks like the judge in the case agreed. [More]

Motorola Tries To Stop Microsoft From Selling Xbox 360

Motorola Tries To Stop Microsoft From Selling Xbox 360

At the request of Motorola, which claims Microsoft is violating its wireless technology patents, the United States International Trade Commission is conducting an investigation that Motorola hopes ends with Microsoft forbidden to import Xboxes. [More]

Town Spends $17,000 To Defend $5 Fee It Charged Resident, Loses

Town Spends $17,000 To Defend $5 Fee It Charged Resident, Loses

The town of Bridgewater, NJ, just spent $17,000 in legal costs to defend its right to charge a guy $5 for a CD recording of a town council meeting. The man had argued that he should only be required to pay for the actual cost of the CD. The case went to court and the town ended up losing. The kicker? They also had to pay him back a $4.04 refund for the overage. [More]

Man Sues Restaurant For Not Stopping Him From Eating An Entire Artichoke

Man Sues Restaurant For Not Stopping Him From Eating An Entire Artichoke

A doctor has sued the Houston’s restaurant in Miami after he ate a complete artichoke that he ordered, including the spiny and sharp exterior leaves. He subsequently suffered “severe abdominal pain and discomfort,” and a “exploratory laparotomy” showed that the artichoke leaves were jammed in his “small bowel.” His lawsuit claims that he had “never seen nor heard of previously” an artichoke and that it was the restaurant’s fault for not teaching him how to eat it. [More]

In Foreclosure Bungle, Banks Accused Of Illegally Breaking Into Homes, Stealing All Your Stuff

In Foreclosure Bungle, Banks Accused Of Illegally Breaking Into Homes, Stealing All Your Stuff

A new batch of lawsuits are accusing banks of essentially burglarizing people’s homes, reports the NYT. Before a foreclosure has been properly filed and processed, people behind on their payments have come home to find their locks changed and some or all of their possessions gone, taken by contractors working for the bank. [More]

Arizona Sues Bank Of America Over Home Loan Modifications

Arizona Sues Bank Of America Over Home Loan Modifications

The attorney general for Arizona is none too pleased with Bank of America. Earlier today, he filed a lawsuit against BofA, alleging the bank misled customers about its home loan modifications. [More]

Best Buy Finally Settles Suit Over Deceptive In-Store Kiosks

Best Buy Finally Settles Suit Over Deceptive In-Store Kiosks

It’s been almost four years since Consumerist first brought you the story of Best Buy’s in-store kiosks that sometimes displayed completely different information than the company’s actual internet site. And after a long and drawn-out battle with the attorney general of Connecticut, a settlement has finally been reached. [More]

CSPI Makes Good On Threat To Sue McDonald's Over Happy Meals

CSPI Makes Good On Threat To Sue McDonald's Over Happy Meals

Almost six months ago, the Center for Science in the Public Interest gave McDonald’s an ultimatum: Remove toys from your Happy Meals or we’ll sue. Now the group has made good on its threat. [More]