
$5M Starforce Class Action Lawsuit

Hate Starforce? Want to sue them? Well, Christopher Spence has already done it on your behalf. Christopher has filed a $5M class action lawsuit against Ubisoft for using Starforce DRM in their games, and if he wins, you’ll be entitled to collect if you’ve ever had your system infected by Starforce.

Mesothelioma, Debt, Lawsuits Tops Google AdWords List

Mesothelioma, Debt, Lawsuits Tops Google AdWords List

Seen via Boing Boing, seen via Battelle, this list of the top Google AdWords. We’re not ashamed to admit that we’re amazed at the strong showing of mesothelioma on the list… hell, we had to look it up. Who knew absestos huffers were such a lucrative clientele? The rest of the list, of course, is an interesting vivisection of the American psyche: debt and lawsuits are the biggest businesses.

Michael Crichton On Companies Owning Products Of Nature

Michael Crichton On Companies Owning Products Of Nature

Michael Crichton has an excellent essay up over at the New York Times concerning medical company Metabolite’s efforts to defend its patent of a scientific fact before the Supreme Court tomorrow. There’s a lot of interesting commentary on the negative ramifications of companies owning ideas, associations, scientific theories, surgical procedures, products of nature… and, in the case of the Human Genome, the building blocks to human life itself.

Elliot Spitzer Sues H&R Block for Tricking Customers

Elliot Spitzer Sues H&R Block for Tricking Customers

New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer sued H&R Block today for fraudulent IRA marketing.

Starforce Is Sorry For Warezing Critic’s Game

Starforce Is Sorry For Warezing Critic’s Game

Earlier this week we reported on Starforce, a gaming copy-protection company located in the cold, vacant womb of Ex-Soviet Russia, actually encouraging their site visitors to warez a game made by Stardock, a company that had criticized Starforce and its ilk’s heavy-handed DRM methods. They even posted links to where users could download Stardock’s game.

How The Pirate Bay Fights Big Media Business

How The Pirate Bay Fights Big Media Business

Despite the claims of the software industry and organizations like the MPAA and RIAA, file sharers are not thieves. They may be copyright infringers, certainly, But no matter what the claims of the RIAA, downloading K-Fed’s PopoZao off of Limewire is not the same as walking up to a small child, turning him upside down, tucking his head between your knees and then — his tiny limbs flailing impotently about you — pile-driving him into the sidewalk for his milk money.

Crybaby NTP Finally Settles Blackberry Patent Dispute

Crybaby NTP Finally Settles Blackberry Patent Dispute

Slightly old news, but the stone-faced-stand-off-to-first-blink between Blackberry maker Research in Motion (RIM) and NTP over vague patents to send email from portable devices is finally over. Which is great news for the consumers who’ve been nervously caught in the crossfire.

Six Flags Sued For Roller Coaster Cell Phone Headbutt

Six Flags Sued For Roller Coaster Cell Phone Headbutt

When the universe finally implodes and existence fades away into the more natural state of nothingness, the moment immortalized to the left is one of those happy moments the universe will fondly recollect as its life flashed before its eyes. It is, of course, the moment when Fabio went on a Six Flags roller coaster, head butted a migratory goose flying across the track and it exploded in his face. In the back row, a gore-spattered girl screams in abject hysteria, while a more level-headed girl to Fabio’s right realizes the event for what it is — the best thing ever — and takes advantage of the opportunity to gloatingly mock him.

Famous but Stupid Psychiatrist Loses $1.3 Million in Nigerian Email Scams

Diagnosis: chronic greed. The latest dupe in the Nigerian email scams may be a renowned psychiatrist from UC Irvine who frittered at least $1.3 million of his family’s fortune in payments to internet con artists.

DRM Link Barf

  • Yahoo exec: Labels should sell music without DRM. How’d this guy get in?

  • VW Stealership Sues Customer To Silence His Whistleblow

    VW Stealership Sues Customer To Silence His Whistleblow