
Pet Food Companies Agree To $24 Million Settlement Over Killer Pet Food

Pet Food Companies Agree To $24 Million Settlement Over Killer Pet Food

Bush Administration To Meatpackers: Please Stop Testing For Mad Cow Disease

Bush Administration To Meatpackers: Please Stop Testing For Mad Cow Disease

The USDA has appealed a district court decision that would allow meatpackers to conduct their own tests for mad cow disease, alleging that such testing would only create “false assurances.” The original plaintiff, Creekstone Farms, wants to test all of its cattle for mad cow but the USDA has prevented it from buying the testing kits.

To Avoid Billions In Lawsuits, Cellphone Companies Propose Tepid Early Termination Fee Reform

To Avoid Billions In Lawsuits, Cellphone Companies Propose Tepid Early Termination Fee Reform

Lawsuit: The Bank Told Me To Spend That Mysterious $280,276.76 They Put In My Account

Lawsuit: The Bank Told Me To Spend That Mysterious $280,276.76 They Put In My Account

Today Is The Last Day To Join The DeBeers Diamond Class-Action Settlement

Today Is The Last Day To Join The DeBeers Diamond Class-Action Settlement

If you bought a diamond between January 1, 1994 and March 31, 2006, today is the last day to join the DeBeers class action settlement. It doesn’t matter whether or not the diamond was bought from DeBeers, the diamond could have been bought from anywhere. The lawsuit contends that DeBeers uses its monopoly over most of the world’s diamond mines to artificially inflate the price of diamonds and engages in other anti-competitive behaviors as well. It’s expected that around $135,432,500 will be divided amongst all the eligible consumers. You can file claims online here.

Doctors Are Learning That "I'm Sorry" May Prevent Lawsuits

Doctors Are Learning That "I'm Sorry" May Prevent Lawsuits

In recent years, doctors have discovered that a simple apology can have a great effect in preventing malpractice lawsuits. According to the New York Times, Dr. Das Gupta, the chairman of surgical oncology at the University of Illinois Medical Center, mistakenly removed the wrong rib from one of his patients. Instead of using the classic “deny and defend” strategy, he promptly acknowledged his error and apologized to the patient. While the patient did accept a settlement from the hospital, she decided not to sue. Details, inside…

The Sleep Number Difference Is Mold

The Sleep Number Difference Is Mold

A recent class action claims that Select Comfort Sleep Number beds are nothing more than overactive allergen mills. According to the suit, the bed’s faulty air chambers allow moisture to form under the mattress foam, providing a perfect breeding ground for mold spores.

Lawsuit: Monster Cable Thinks You Might Confuse Mini-Golf With Overpriced Cables

Lawsuit: Monster Cable Thinks You Might Confuse Mini-Golf With Overpriced Cables

Pricey cable-maker Monster is worried you might confuse a haunted house-themed mini-golf course with its popular products, so they’re suing.

Woman Wrongfully Targeted By RIAA Lawsuit Awarded $108,000

Woman Wrongfully Targeted By RIAA Lawsuit Awarded $108,000

You may remember Tanya Andersen (pictured left) as the woman who was falsely accused of illegally sharing over 1,000 songs, thus becoming the target of an unsuccessful RIAA lawsuit. According to The Oregonian, a federal magistrate has awarded her nearly $108,000 in recompense for attorney’s fees and other costs associated with her successfully fighting the lawsuit. Details, inside…

GSK Sued For Fraudulently Delaying Generic Version Of Wellbutrin

GSK Sued For Fraudulently Delaying Generic Version Of Wellbutrin

A class action lawsuit has been filed accusing GlaxoSmithKline of lying to the Patent office and dickering with fake patent litigation against generic drug makers to fraudulently stymie generic versions of Wellbutrin from hitting the market. The lawsuit applies to people who directly bought Wellbutrin from GSK in 100 or 150mg hits between Jan 24, 2002 and June 30, 2006. Obviously, the long GSK could keep a generic version of their drug off the market, the more money they could make. People interested in joining could probably contact the firm of Roda and Nast, lead plaintiff team, for more information.

JetBlue Forces Passenger To Sit On Toilet For Flight

JetBlue Forces Passenger To Sit On Toilet For Flight

Talk about crappy service! JetBlue is the number 1 and the number 2 airline! A man from NYC is suing JetBlue “for more than $2 million because he says a pilot made him give up his seat to a flight attendant and sit on the toilet for more than three hours on a flight from California,” reports CBS News. We’re not going to judge the airline too harshly until more of the story comes out, just in case it turns out to be another upset passenger overstating the situation—but if it’s true, it’s going to be hard for JetBlue to wipe this story from the public’s memory for a while. Especially with all the joke opportunities.

$54 Million Best Buy Lawsuit Over Lost Laptop Dismissed

$54 Million Best Buy Lawsuit Over Lost Laptop Dismissed

Roy "Fancypants" Pearson Sues City For $1M To Get Job Back

Roy "Fancypants" Pearson Sues City For $1M To Get Job Back

According to AP, former Judge Roy “Fancy Pants” Pearson is suing to get his old job back and tacking on $1 million in damages. You may remember Pearson as the judge who tried to sue a dry-cleaner for $54 million over a pair of pants. Now, “Fancy Pants” says he was wrongfully dismissed and “vilified in the media.” Whichever way you slice it, he wants money. Details, inside…

$50k Porn-Pilfering Lawsuits Opens With Geek Squad Employee Confession

$50k Porn-Pilfering Lawsuits Opens With Geek Squad Employee Confession

The Star Tribune reports a woman is suing Best Buy for $50,000 after the Best Buy/Geek Squad repair service stole her naked photos from her computer, shared them with other Geek Squad agents, and even copied them onto the hard drives of other customers (this is hardly the first time Geek Squad has been caught stealing porn from customer’s computers). William E. Giffels admitted in a written statement that he copied Kaylee Hall’s nude photos from her computer onto his personal flash drive. On this drive, he also kept the most up-to-date version of the Geek Squad diagnostic tools and told other agents to copy from it. Then other Geek Squad made CD copies of the drive and installed the tools, along with Kaylee’s photos, onto other customers’ computers in the Traverse City, Michigan area. Inside, Giffels’s written confession…

Court: Tyson Can No Longer Claim Chickens Are "Raised Without Antibiotics"

Tyson Foods has 14 days to stop claiming that their chickens are “raised without antibiotics.” The deceptive nationwide campaign was brought to an end after rivals Sanderson Farms and Purdue filed suit claiming that all three poultry processors use antibiotics, and that Tyson was trying to steal an undeserved appearance of health.

Amazon Sues Over Law That Forces Them To Collect NY Sales Tax

Amazon Sues Over Law That Forces Them To Collect NY Sales Tax

Amazon has filed a complaint in NY’s State Supreme Court challenging a new law that forces the retailer to collect sales tax on shipments to residents of NY state.

Credit Card Class Action: Get More Money Back Using Your Digital Camera

Credit Card Class Action: Get More Money Back Using Your Digital Camera

If you traveled abroad anytime between February 1, 1996 and November 8, 2006, your credit card company probably owes you money, but how much? Under a class action suing credit card companies for double-dipping on foreign transaction fees, the best bet for getting your the money, if you don’t have detailed records of all your foreign transactions, is making an estimate based on how many days you were out of the country. One good way for shutterbugs to figure this out, says Delicious Baby, is to look through your vacation/travel photos on your computer. Most likely, they have digital timestamps you can use to figure out how long you were away. Now figuring out your refund is as easy and fun as going through your old photos. The due date for filing claims at is May 30th.

Get Half Off New Mp3 Player In Creative MP3 Player Class Action

If you bought a Creative MP3 player in the past…