We all love hearing stories of big tippers at restaurants, those generous folks who leave behind piles of money in appreciation. But the generosity trend can swing both ways, as a waitress near Atlanta proved after giving a 72-year-old patron one of her kidneys. The transplant was successful and both are now doing well. [More]

Another Kentucky Fried Kidney Pops Up In California
A high school student in California encountered something unexpected in his lunch at KFC. While it’s not entirely unexpected that you would find chicken body parts mixed in with other chicken body parts, most diners don’t anticipate finding what looks like a bird brain attached to their lunch. He snapped a picture, tweeted it, and then threw the scary thing away. [More]

Shadow Economies: Harvest Organs From The Poor For The Rich
Living in abject poverty, $10,000 is a beguiling promise. All you have to do is give up one kidney. It’s ok, you have another one. But a Bloomberg Markets Magazine investigation shows how gangs around the world prey on the poor and use threats and violence to get them to give up their organs, which they can then resell for upwards of $150,000. This isn’t just happening in some ice-filled bath in China: this week, a Brooklyn man plead guilty to selling black market kidneys to people in New Jersey. [More]

Only 56% Of Dialysis Technicians Pass New Skills Test
Almost half of the dialysis technicians in California are failing a new Federally-mandated skills test, throwing the industry’s tarnished reputation under the magnifying glass once again. [More]

National Institutes Of Health: Cola Causes Kidney Problems
Do you like kidney stones? Great! Coke and Pepsi are the drinks for you. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health found that drinking just two cans of cola per day doubles the risk of chronic kidney disease.
Don’t Get a Kidney from Kaiser
Kaiser agreed to a punitive damages totaling $5 million after opening a new kidney transplant center with a disapointing success rate, to say the least.