Peanut butter isn’t the world’s most perfect food, but it’s close. So I’m always suspicious of any product in the peanut butter section that includes ingredients other than peanuts and salt. By that standard, Jif Whips are especially blasphemous, since it contains a generous helping of sugar and is advertised as being smoother and easier to spread than regular old peanut butter. [More]

Jif Scoops Two Ounces Out Of Reduced Fat Peanut Butter Spread Jar
Mary Rose happened to notice that her latest jar of Jif reduced fat peanut butter spread was a little lighter than usual. No, it was because the jar itself had lost some weight. Two ounces, or 11% of the total contents of the jar, to be exact. [More]

Spam’s Maker Buys Skippy, We Hope They Don’t Come Up With Any Wacky Combos
Maybe it’s just the refreshing feeling of a brand new year, but this week has already seen a lot of action when it comes to companies buying other companies/brands. Yesterday Avis announced it was buying Zipcar, and today Hormel says it’s handing over $700 million to buy Skippy peanut butter from Unilever. [More]

Why Isn’t Jif’s Natural Peanut Butter Spread Labeled Just ‘Peanut Butter?’
Kate was confused at the grocery store. Side by side on the shelf were regular old Jif peanut butter and Jif’s “natural” peanut butter. Only the “natural” stuff was labeled “peanut butter spread,” while the standard, presumably less natural, Jif got to call itself peanut butter. “It makes me wonder, what about ‘natural’ makes it less than true peanut butter?” she wrote to us. “Why does it need to be called ‘peanut butter spread’, when traditional, sugar filled, [Jif] can be called ‘peanut butter’? Shouldn’t the natural product version be truer to the genuine article?” That would be the intuitive answer, wouldn’t it? It’s the requirements of the Food and Drug Administration that keep the “natural” variety of Jif from being declared plain old peanut butter. Here’s the relevant part of the FDA standards for peanut butter: [More]

Special K Chocolatey Delight Has More Calories Than Cocoa Puffs
Eating Special K to lose weight? Splurging on the chocolate version? You might want to read the label. Our sisters at ShopSmart (also published by Consumer Reports) took a look at a variety of “junk” health foods for the June issue and discovered that “Special K Chocolatey Delight” isn’t that different from Cocoa Puffs. [More]

Lack Of Grocery Shrink Rayage Is Peanut Butter Selling Point
Matt spotted this jar of Jif peanut butter that proudly boasts its eluded the all-seeing scope of the grocery shrink ray and still packs 18 ounces of goodness within its plastic confines.