
Corey Pudhorodsky

FDA Warns Fertility Doc: Stop Advertising Service That Creates ‘3-Parent’ Baby

Last year, you may have heard of an impressive medical accomplishment, where the gametes of three people were combined to make one healthy baby. The doctor behind that procedure has now been warned by the Food and Drug Administration for advertising the still-unapproved procedure. [More]

Congratulations, You're Pregnant! …With The Wrong Baby

Congratulations, You're Pregnant! …With The Wrong Baby

Imagine waiting anxiously to hear whether your latest round of in vitro fertilization has resulted in a pregnancy after years of failures. Then you receive a call from your doctor: you are indeed pregnant, but the wrong embryos were transferred. Now you’re an unwilling surrogate for another family.

Want To Save Money On Fertility Treatments? Go Straight To In Vitro

Want To Save Money On Fertility Treatments? Go Straight To In Vitro

Fertility treatment is crazy expensive and there are no guarantees, but a recent NIH-sponsored study “concluded that women who were fast-tracked to IVF [in vitro fertilization] got pregnant three months faster on average, and spent $10,000 less than those who went through the usual preliminaries.” The conclusion: it may not be wise for insurers to require women to run the gauntlet of other treatments before trying IVF.