Don’t go looking for the new iPhone at any ol’ AT&T store come June 29th, it will only be available through, Apple stores, and certain special AT&T outlets, according to an AT&T memo we received.

Want An iPhone? Don't Go To An Apple Store
“Don’t go to an Apple store,” Jobs told me. “It will be a madhouse there. People will be lined up around the block, sleeping on the sidewalk to get one. Go to an AT&T/Cingular store. Most people don’t know that they will be selling them too.” Uh, they do now, Steve.
If you sleep on the sidewalk in order to buy a cellphone, you may want to consider getting professional help. —MEGHANN MARCO

Rumor: iPhone Battery Lasts For Only 40 Minutes Of Talk Time
The iPhone battery lasts for only 40 minutes of talk time, according to intel tech guru John Dvorak received from an inside Cingular source.

Apple Stores Make $4,032 Per Square Foot
Saks, whose flagship is down the street, generates sales of $362 per square foot a year. Best Buy (Charts) stores turn $930 – tops for electronics retailers – while Tiffany & Co. (Charts) takes in $2,666.
Fortune also says that if Apple sells its goal of 10 million iPhones in 2008, Apple stores will make as much as Best Buy overall, in a fraction of the space.
UPDATE: Free Cingular With iPhone Rumor Is “Hooey”
Eric Savitz at Barron’s took a look through the transcripts of the call that CNBC’s Jim Cramer claimed contained a vow by Cingular to offer free service for 18 months to Verizon customers who switched for the iPhone. What did he find? Nothing. Zip.
Rumor: Cingular To Give Away 18 Months of Service With Purchase Of iPhone
We’re not really buying this one, but apparently Jim Cramer, former hedge fund manager, director of and host of CNBC’s “Mad Money,” is telling people that Cingular will give away 18 months of service with purchase of an iPhone.

Is iPhone The New Zune? Let The Backlash Begin.
Let the backlash begin: Now that the iPhone has been announced and praised, it’s time to have second thoughts. All before anyone has even properly reviewed one. Hooray for the media.

Escape Your Cellphone Contract With Cellswapper
Cellswapper is a new service launched today that lets you trade or sell your cellphone and contract, with no early termination fees.

iPhone Locked To Cingular, But “Bad Guys” Might Unlock It
iPhones will be sold locked to Cingular, but it’s possible “bad guys” will unlock them, says
Rumor: iPhone Without Cingular Contract? It’ll Cost Ya
Will it be possible to buy the iPhone without a Cingular contract? Cingular said no, but a tipster says yes, and it will be crazy expensive:
Cingular Confirms iPhone Will “Require” 2 Year Contract
- We spoke with Cingular and confirmed that Apple’s new iPhone will require a two-year cell phone plan and will not be sold without it.
iPhone is Cingular: How Do I Switch?
Steve Job’s keynote speech at Macworld has sent a flood of questions to our tipline asking for help switching to Cingular, the only carrier with the much-anticipated iPhone. The iPhone will ship in June, so you have several months to get ready for the switch, if that’s what you’re determined to do. Your immediate goal should be to get yourself on a month-to-month contract.