
How To Build More Social Media "Klout"

How To Build More Social Media "Klout"

Some see the social media scene as an ever-fluctuating competition, with everyone scrapping to claw market share away from one another. Encouraging this mentality is Klout, which claims to filter peoples’ social media influence and assigns them a score out of 100. Some dismiss the service, but most involved in the scene keep an eye on their scores. [More]

Big Pharma Bucks Flow Into Medical Society Meetings

Big Pharma Bucks Flow Into Medical Society Meetings

While some hospitals go so far as to ban drug sales reps from stepping foot in their halls, at medical society conferences there’s hardly a square inch that can’t be sponsored by a medical product-related company, reports ProPublica. At one society meeting this week, imperial banners adorn the sides of buildings. Logos are branded hotel key cards, cellphone charging stations, and carpets. Doctors can’t go to sleep without seeing another logo waiting for them on their nightstand. The goal? To influence, subtly and not so subtly, physicians into becoming emissaries for the interests of the sponsoring companies. [More]

Kmart Doles Out Helpful Customer Service Survey Suggestions

Kmart Doles Out Helpful Customer Service Survey Suggestions

A Reddit poster spotted this sign at the Penn Plaza Kmart, asking you to log onto its feedback survey website and rate it a 9 or a 10.

House Preparing To Legalize Payday Loans With 391% APRs

House Preparing To Legalize Payday Loans With 391% APRs

A House subcommittee wants to legalize payday loans with interest rates of up to 391%. Lobbyists from the payday industry bought Congress’ support by showering influential members, including Chairman Luiz Gutierrez, with campaign cash. The Congressman is now playing good cop, bad cop with the payday industry, which is pretending to oppose his generous gift of a bill.