How many times have you put your credit card out to pay for a restaurant meal and had an employee other than your server pick it up? It’s not uncommon, especially in busier eateries, so some diners wouldn’t think twice when it happens. At least until the card hasn’t been returned because the helpful “waitress” who took it is actually at the Target across the parking lot making purchases with it? [More]
id fraud

Arrests Made In Stop and Shop Data Theft
Police in Rhode Island have arrested four people in connection with a recent security breach at Stop & Shop Supermarket Cos.
Call Center Employee Addicted to Pornography, Steals Cingular Customer's ID
Keith Alan Joiner says he may be addicted to pornography, or at least that’s what he told police when they arrested him for “racking up more than $1,300 in charges visiting pornographic websites” on one Cingular customer’s dime. Joiner also confessed to stealing other credit card information while “employed as a call-taker at the West Corporation in Pensacola, Florida.” The West Corporation takes calls from Cingular customers.