Movie Gallery/Hollywood Video went bankrupt with only one real asset: enough outstanding overdue notices to make a librarian weep. Americans owed the chains something like $125,000,000, which is not a typo. These debts were sold, and the new owners zombified them and really, really want to get their paws on that money. A year and a half after we first reported that customers and even employees were receiving invoices from collection agencies for zombie debts, they’re still at it. [More]
hollywood video afterlife watch

Report: Hundreds Of Thousands Told They Owe Defunct Hollywood Video
It turns out the reader who received a mysterious notice saying he owed a bunch of money to deceased Hollywood Video is far from alone. [More]

Debt Collection Company Says I Owe Hollywood Video Money
Hollywood Video saw its end credits roll last year, but that apparently hasn’t stopped a debt collection company from tracking down old late fees on behalf of its impaled zombie corpse. [More]