
Baby Nearly Killed By Walmart’s Indifference

Baby Nearly Killed By Walmart’s Indifference

With the heat wave searing American soil lately, it becomes more and more important to not lock your baby in the van in a Walmart parking lot.

Dell: Liar, Liar, Laptop on Fire.

Dell: Liar, Liar, Laptop on Fire.

Or ‘Look! There’s Lithium-Ion Leaking Into Your Lap!’

Dell vs. MacBook Reveals Tepid Warmth, Not Exciting Scalding

Dell vs. MacBook Reveals Tepid Warmth, Not Exciting Scalding

Dells spontaneously combust. MacBooks melt scrotums. If reports are to be believed, ether company’s laptop is hot enough to cauterize lopped off limbs. But which one is hotter?

Dang MacBook’s So Hot, Could Fry An Egg

Dang MacBook’s So Hot, Could Fry An Egg

I love my MacBook Pro: it’s damned hot. And by ‘damned hot’, I mean that not only does it cause vacuous hipster chicks to spontaneously become impregnated when they see me walking by with it tucked under my arm, but I also mean that it’s fortunate that such divine conception happens, because after months of use, my loins look like someone fired a laser cannon at the crotch of a Ken doll.