
Walgreen Health Clinics Now Free For Unemployed

Walgreen Health Clinics Now Free For Unemployed

Walgreen has announced that if you’re willing to provide proof of unemployment and sign a form that says you lost your health benefits along with your job, you and your uninsured family members can receive free treatment at any of their 300+ in-store health clinics. What’s covered: “respiratory problems, allergies, infections and skin conditions, among other ailments.” What’s not: checkups, vaccinations or other injections, and prescriptions.

Consumer Reports Health Blog Debunks 6 Medical Myths

Consumer Reports Health Blog Debunks 6 Medical Myths

Today’s “April False” post on the Consumer Reports Health Blog looks at six commonly held medical and health misconceptions. The only one I must take issue with is the one about baldness, because I am balding and I am not only a better lover, but probably the best lover. Otherwise, take a look and learn something new.

Pistachios Recalled For Salmonella

Pistachios Recalled For Salmonella

The FDA recalled three different kinds of pistachios this week for salmonella. [Consumer Reports Safety Blog] (Photo: ?o??ƒx™)

Some People Think Generics Are Somehow Inferior

Some People Think Generics Are Somehow Inferior

There are people out there who really think the name-brand slapped on conveys some kind of magical properties to medicine not covered in the active ingredient list, as Janet’s sad story of how she got humiliated by her boss shows:

Maggots, Your (Medical) Friend

Maggots, Your (Medical) Friend

Via Consumer Reports Health blog: A recent study found that FDA-approved maggots work faster than hydrogel dressing to remove dead tissue in human leg ulcers. However, the ulcers healed just about as fast whether maggots or hydrogel was used. So, while the maggots weren’t any better than the hydrogel, they also weren’t any worse. At the very least medical maggots are a viable alternative, and should be considered in other dead-tissue clearing applications. Hopefully you’ll never need maggots but if your doctor should ever happen to suggest them, resist the urge to run away screaming. They’re just trying to feed on your flesh help!

Judge Orders F.D.A. To Make Plan B Available To 17-Year-Olds

Judge Orders F.D.A. To Make Plan B Available To 17-Year-Olds

Great news, 17-year-olds! A federal judge has ruled that you can now avoid accidental babies by partaking in the emergency contraceptive wonder that is Plan B. Back in 2006, the Food and Drug Administration limited the contraceptive to women 18 and over, and ordered pharmacists to hide the drug behind their counters away from other common contraceptives. Judge Edward Korman ruled this week that the agency’s decision was based on politics not science, and that it constituted an unacceptable public health buzzkill.


Consumer Reports Health says: Getting free samples of prescription drugs from your doctor might sound like a great deal, but they can end up costing you more in the long run. Manufacturers typically use free samples to promote the newest, least-tested drugs. Such gifts might lead doctors to prescribe them when other drugs might be better. [Consumer Reports Health]

8 Pieces Of Junk Fitness Equipment

8 Pieces Of Junk Fitness Equipment

The world of late night TV (and now prime time too) has never had a shortage of stupid exercise machines guaranteed to make you look like a dehydrated, sauced-up infomercial model. ObsessionFitness has put together a quick list of 8 of the worst offenders, including our favorite, the hula-inducing Hawaii Chair.

Giant Pills Exercising In Train Station

Giant Pills Exercising In Train Station

There’s some human-sized pills working out at Union Station in DC. It seems the mad scientists at Consumers Union have trapped them and forced them to undergo fiendish exercise experiments in front of commuters and passersby to see which drugs work best. Their findings are documented in the new publication “Best Drugs for Less” which is being handed out for free in front of these not jagged, not little, pills. Video here.

Former CSR: Was Following Federal Law To Help Someone The Right Thing To Do?

Former CSR: Was Following Federal Law To Help Someone The Right Thing To Do?

Jason writes in with an ethics question that’s been bothering him for the past seven years: should he have helped a cancer-stricken patient who lost her family in the 9/11 attacks qualify for COBRA coverage? Sure, it sounds like a no-brainer, but it gives us a chance to see the sort of conflicts that gnaw at customer service representatives. Do they follow the rules and keep their jobs, or do the right thing and help the customer? Consider his conundrum, inside…

Help! This Email Says Various Cold Medicines Will Kill Me!

Help! This Email Says Various Cold Medicines Will Kill Me!

A friend of ours recently got an email forward about the cold medicine ingredient phenylpropanolamine (and its unpleasant tendency to increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke in women), so she sent it to us for a little “mythbusting.” The email (and its accompanying list of cold medicines and weight loss aids) is alarming, but outdated.

Refuse Unnecessary Tests

Refuse Unnecessary Tests

Today I went to the doctor. All I wanted was a prescription to continue to go to physical therapy for my pulled groin muscles. The assistant said that the doctor likes to give new patients a full physical, which includes blood tests, EKG, and a chest x-ray. I said I had a physical recently (true) and those tests sounded unnecessary. She seemed disappointed. Unless I have wheezing or chest pains, I don’t see the need for a chest x-ray. See, doctors are like Best Buy. If you go in informed knowing exactly what you need, you’re fine. Otherwise they’re like oh you need Monster Cables and an extended warranty for your heart.

Losing 32lbs In 6 Weeks. Just 68 To Go

Losing 32lbs In 6 Weeks. Just 68 To Go

Consumerist reader Tyler weighed 344 pounds and is trying to lose 100 of them. So far he’s lost 32 in 6 weeks. Here are some of his secrets:

No More BPA Baby Bottles In US?

No More BPA Baby Bottles In US?

Philips Avent, the nation’s largest seller of baby bottles, announced today that it will voluntarily stop selling bottles containing the controversial chemical bisphenol A (BPA). Attorneys general from Connecticut and New Jersey had written a letter to several bottle makers asking them to stop, and the Washington Post says the six largest baby bottle manufacturers in the country have voluntarily complied.

Going To The Doc? Be Sure You Don't Sign A Gag Order

Going To The Doc? Be Sure You Don't Sign A Gag Order

Man, those online review websites sure can be harsh. Some doctors think they’re totally unfair! That’s why a neurosurgeon in North Carolina has started a business called Medical Justice. The Associated Press says the company provides waiver forms for docs to give to patients. If you sign it, and then post a review online that can be traced back to you, the doctor can use your signed form as proof that it must be removed.

Technically, There Is Nothing Wrong With This Display

Technically, There Is Nothing Wrong With This Display

On the other hand, we think the CVS manager in this D.C. store might want to take a look around and see how other stores are doing it. (Thanks to Rob!)

"Affordable" Health Insurance Can End Up Costing Big Bucks

"Affordable" Health Insurance Can End Up Costing Big Bucks

Some health insurance plans marketed as “affordable” are as affordable as buying a “cheap” car that doesn’t have any wheels or seats. While the price is low, they can offer extremely limited coverage. One plan for instance, has a max of 30 hospital days at a max of $750. I think that about covers the cost of getting pushed from your room to the OR. for what to look for when considering these plans.


Build Your Own Home Gym For Under $100 Looking to cut costs? Working out at home isn’t as pricey as you might think. A home mini-gym can be an inexpensive way to exercise and keep up muscle strength. [CR Health]