health insurance

How To Get Health Insurance After College

How To Get Health Insurance After College

This year, 1.4 million graduates will be receiving their college degrees, but many of them will be losing their parents’ health insurance, according to The Wall Street Journal. Many group health plans cover employees’ children up to age 19 or 23, forcing many young men and women to find their own health insurance. The WSJ has assembled some ways to find health insurance and talks about how some young people are getting creative in the process. Details, inside…

Insurance Companies Announce Proposal To Increase Coverage For Hard-To-Insure

Insurance Companies Announce Proposal To Increase Coverage For Hard-To-Insure

An insurance trade group today announced a “series of steps” to expand the number of Americans who have health insurance. “The proposals, approved by a board of the industry’s main trade group, would make it harder for insurers to cancel policies or deny coverage to people with pre-existing medical conditions. The steps would also limit the premiums that could be charged for such people.” The trade off? “The trade group also called on states to provide individual coverage for people who were likely to incur very high medical bills.”

9 Common Ailments And The Cheaper Generic Drugs To Treat Them

9 Common Ailments And The Cheaper Generic Drugs To Treat Them

It’s not just for the cereal aisle anymore, generic over name brand saves behind the pharmacy counter too. Generic drugs work just as well as name-brands, often at a fraction of the cost. One-size does not fit all and only your doctor can tell you if switching to a cheaper option is right for you.

5 Confessions Of A Reference Lab Technician

5 Confessions Of A Reference Lab Technician

He’s the guy whom pieces of your body get sent off to when you go to the doctor’s office, and he’s got some things he’d like to tell you. Like the secret manual covering which tests Medicare will and won’t cover, your rights under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, and can you please, please, write legibly and use a standard version of your name when filling out forms…

Individual Insurance More Horrific Than Employer Plans

Individual Insurance More Horrific Than Employer Plans

Consumer Reports’ investigation found that, in comparison to employer offered insurance, individual insurance sucks and it’s expensive. Here’s the results of their survey, published in the January issue, asking consumers about their experience with both types of insurance.

Walmart Pays For Brain Damaged Employee's Medical Bills, Then Sues For The Money Back

Walmart Pays For Brain Damaged Employee's Medical Bills, Then Sues For The Money Back

A Walmart employee was hit by a semi, leaving her permanently brain-damaged and in a wheelchair. Walmart paid for her medical fees and her family successfully sued the trucking company. Now Walmart wants all the money she got from the trucking company. The family only has Social Security benefits and medicaid to pay for her 24 hour medical care. The company health plan contains a clause that allows it to recoup medical expenses it paid if the person also wins damages in an injury suit. This cost-effective management of the employee health plan is just another way Walmart delivers America everday low prices.


The wife of a popular political blogger finally wins in her battle to get Blue Cross Blue Shield to pay for an epidural procedure. Blog-activated mob force wins again. [Daily Kos]


A whisteblower lawsuit by a former employee alleges that Medicare and Medicard are being defrauded for millions of dollars by a complex three-card-monte scheme perpetrated by hospitals and group purchasing programs. [NYT] ]

Health Insurer Paid Out $20k In Bonuses For Dropping Sick Policyholders

Health Insurer Paid Out $20k In Bonuses For Dropping Sick Policyholders

The Los Angeles Times reports that Health Net Inc., one of California’s largest insurers, “avoided paying $35.5 million in medical expenses by rescinding about 1,600 policies between 2000 and 2006.” Its senior analyst in charge of cancellations, Barbara Fowler, made $20,000 in bonuses during that period for meeting cancellation goals. We hope for her family’s health that she uses that extra money to buy insurance from a better company than Health Net.

Medicare Prescription Plans Set To Rise 21%

Medicare Prescription Plans Set To Rise 21%

Seniors need to start comparison shopping now for their Medicare benefits. Enrollment begins November 15 and researchers say that beneficiaries in the most popular plans could see their monthly premiums lurch up 21%. Robert M. Hayes, president of the Medicare Rights Center, recommends,


Medicare is confusing, but you should understand it a lot better after you peruse all the manuals and training materials the outsourced 1-800-MEDICARE call center has posted online for their phone reps! [CMS]


Blue Shield lies to popular political blogger, his wife, and anesthesiologist, to avoid paying fully for an epidural. [Daily Kos]

Health Insurance Fightback Roundup

Health Insurance Fightback Roundup

FDA Might Create A "Behind-The-Counter" Drug Category

FDA Might Create A "Behind-The-Counter" Drug Category

Next Month, the FDA will hold a public meeting to discuss whether or not they should allow certain drugs to be sold “behind-the-counter”—that is, after consultation with a pharmacist, but without the need for a prescription. If they move ahead with the plan, a new BTC category will be created, although what drugs will fall under it have not been determined.

Sample Letter For Appealing An Insurance Claim Denied For A Specific Procedure

Sample Letter For Appealing An Insurance Claim Denied For A Specific Procedure

Bankrate has a good example letter you can use if your health insurance company denies your claim for based on a specific medical procedure. It’s in “Madlibs” style, so you’ll need to replace all the items in red with your personal information. The argument is based on the premise that the insurance company must not been properly informed with the full information, and requires getting additional specialist letter(s) testifying to its necessity, as well as including articles about the procedure. There’s no guarantee of its success, but it can at least serve as an initial salvo before escalating your issue elsewhere.

Medicare Won't Pay Hospitals For Preventable Errors

Medicare No Longer to Pay for Preventable Hospital Errors, Injuries or Infections [Washington Post]

Health Insurance Brokers Can Help You Avoid Getting Rejected For Having Been Rejected

Health Insurance Brokers Can Help You Avoid Getting Rejected For Having Been Rejected

When shopping around for health insurance, getting a rejection on your record can turn off other providers from granting coverage. The trick, then, would be to know what your rejection chances are, based on your personal stats and preexisting conditions, before applying.


Allegedly an internal Blue Cross Blue Shield memo on Michale Moore’s “Sicko,” written by Barclay Fitzpatrick, VP of Capital BlueCross Corporate Communications [via BoingBoing]