One problem with the Xbox 360’s online play is it’s often difficult to determine exactly which swear words, racial slurs and homophobic epithets the teenager on the other end spews after you off him in Modern Warfare 2. Aware of the problem, Microsoft says it will upgrade the quality of the sound that pumps through your headset. [More]

The Glamorous World Of Headset Hotties
Ever notice how the “customer service reps [who] are standing by” are always depicted by beautiful women wearing headsets? The maker of certainly has, so he started collecting and publishing examples from around the globe. We enjoy that “perceived helpfulness” is the metric for rating each image. Tragically, the website has not been updated since February. Obviously they need your help finding more content. Could Helpful Girls Gone Wild be far away?

8 Bluetooth Headsets Reviewed
A professed non-early-adopter has reviewed 8 different Bluetooth headsets in a range of prices, scoring them on design, functionality, sound quality, and value. Her favorite from the group: the huge Plantronics Voyager 520, which sells for around $100. Coming in last was the $100 Samsung WEP410, which kept falling out of her ear.
Morning Deals Round-Up
• Pick up one of two Motorola Bluetooth headsets on the cheap: the HS805 for $25 or the MS815 for $30. Use the coupon code RAZRREWARDS for an additional 10% off. These should work fine with non-Motorola but Bluetooth-equipped phones.