After 40 years, consumers will no longer “Have It Your Way” at their local Burger King. Instead, the company is rolling out a new, more philosophical slogan – “Be Your Way” – meant to highlight each individual customer. Whatever that means. [More]
have it your way

Customers Can No Longer “Have It Your Way” At Burger King; Company Ditches Longtime Slogan

Washington State Inspectors "Deeply Concerned" About Undercooked Beef At Burger King
While most people are used to the grayish, overcooked burgers often served at fast food mega-chains, inspectors for the Washington Dept. of Health have found what they call a “disturbing trend” of undercooked beef being served at Burger King. [More]

Burger King Employee Tells Facebook Friends He Spits On Food
While it may not be as egregious as the Domino’s Pizza employees who videotaped themselves desecrating their work kitchen, a Burger King employee in Michigan is in hot water after blabbing on Facebook about spitting in the food. [More]